How many rings do I need for my project?
Like the question “What size rings do I need?” the answer to this question depends on what you are making. Blue Buddha instructions include ring counts for your convenience, as does Rebeca’s book CHAINED. Most projects published in books or magazine will give you either the total number of rings used for each size used in the project or the RPI (rings per inch). If given the RPI, simply multiply the number by the length you’d like your final piece to be. We recommend rounding up a bit on that number when you go to determine what pack size you want to buy – it’s always better to have some extra rings left over than not enough to finish your project.
If you are interested in tackling a common weave, try the Weave Ideas section of our blog. There, we post photos of weave samples made with several of our most popular sizes and include ring counts for each one. We also have a page dedicate to ring counts for weaves using sterling silver jump rings.