What projects are best for beginners?

Chainmaille Starter Pack

To get everything you need to get started, try one of our Starter Packs.  Each packs comes with projects and instructions that are perfect for beginners as well as information about basic chainmaille technique. 

Buy a chainmaille Starter Pack.

Beginning Chainmaille Projects


We offer instructions for nearly a dozen chainmaille projects perfect for someone just starting out.  Blue Buddha instructions are full color and offer a detailed photograph for every step.  They are about as close to an in-person class as you can get on paper and a few are even free!  Many project instructions also have a coordinating kit that will allow you to get started right away without the guesswork of shopping for supplies.  Your maille kit will come with everything you need to complete the project, including any necessary findings and components.





We also highly recommend Rebeca's book CHAINED to people just starting out in chainmaille.  Not only does the book have several projects appropriate for beginners but it is the most comprehensive chainmaille book available when it comes to techniques and technical information about the craft.  Because CHAINED has projects for every level, it will also grow with you from the first time you pick up your pliers to when you are ready to invent your own variations!