On Hiatus, But Not Gone!
The dust has settled at Blue Buddha. All orders have long shipped. Our final liquidation and clearance sales are over… and the studio is empty.
I’m still checking customer care emails about once every day or so, because I know there are still some lingering questions about orders (and some overseas customers have yet to receive their final order).
Other than that, though, I’m taking a bit of a hiatus.
I relocated to Los Angeles the last week of April (though it’ll be another week or so before my stuff arrives). I plan on taking most of May to settle into my new home, tie up some loose ends from Blue Buddha … and figure out what the heck is next.
Summer Projects
OK, to be honest, I’ve already know what’s next, or at least, immediately next. I’m working with some folks back in Chicago on a project that I’m VERY excited about. As I’m allowed to reveal details, I definitely will. (It’ll be several months at least, though, before you’ll hear me make more than a peep about it. We’re waiting for a BIG reveal!)
Once June rolls around, I’ll be updating rebecamojica.com with my current inventory and possibly creating an Etsy page for my jewelry. I have lots of sale items (including precious metal pieces) which I’d like to photograph and put online.
I’ll also reach out to other jump ring suppliers who expressed an interest in working with me on various tutorials, videos, designs and other projects. I’m super excited about collaborations and partnerships not just in the chainmaille industry but also in the general jewelry and crafts world. And yes, I’ll finally sort through all the product samples I bought from other vendors so I can create a list of recommended suppliers.
Essentially, I’m writing this post so you know that you haven’t heard the last of me, even if I wind up being pretty quiet for the next few weeks. I’m looking forward to taking a MUCH needed break and refreshing my creative soul so I can come back better than ever.
See you soon!
P.S. My older cat is already quite comfortable with his new digs. I should take some lessons from him on how to take a break, as clearly he has perfected this skill… heh.