Sign Up To Receive Regular Phone or Email Check-Ins

If you, or anyone you know, could benefit from a regular check-in during these times, please complete our client signup form.
Confession time: I haven’t done very much mailling in the past few weeks. Ever since the health crisis began to rapidly unfold, much of my time has been spent creating a neighborhood group to connect volunteers with elderly people, those with disabilities, and immunocompromised individuals for daily phone/email check-ins.
Humans are social creatures. Being stuck at home, with no specific end date, can be tough on many people, even introverts like me. The brain craves stimulation and novelty – both of which can be difficult to come by when you cannot leave your home. I wanted to create something that would help some of our most vulnerable and isolated residents feel a little less alone during the next few weeks and months.
I connected with several amazing neighbors (none of whom I actually knew before, although I had recently met a couple of them at an event) to create West Hollywood Neighbors Helping Neighbors. We pair volunteers with clients for regular checkins—anywhere from twice a week to daily—via email or phone. Our group is now just over 2 weeks old, and we’ve gotten great feedback from our clients.
We have many dedicated volunteers and we’d love to reach out to beyond our community, as we know there are certainly isolated folks all over the world right now. I figured I’d turn to you guys and invite you to sign up if you’d like a distraction and pick-me-up during these times.
Please complete our client signup form if you or anyone you know could benefit from a regular check-in.
Here are a few recent press articles about our group from local media:

If you’d like to start a similar group specific to your area, please feel free to message me. I’m happy to share resources (volunteer training info, etc) so you don’t have to start from scratch.
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