In honor of our large jump rings sale happening at the end of this week, we are sharing two “free & easy” projects that utilize some of our largest anodized aluminum rings. Be sure to check out some of our previous posts for even more ideas for these big and beautiful rings.

Rock on! Heart
Combine large T14 rings with stretchy rubber rings to easily create this funky heart pendant using a basic Japanese weave.
12 x large jump rings (we used size T14 in Rock on! anodized aluminum mix)
22 x small rubber o-rings (we used size D14 in neon pink)
2 x small jump rings to attach the chain (we used size H18 aluminum)
18″-24″ pre-made chain + findings of your choice to close the chain
1. Start the heart from the bottom point by opening 1 large ring and scooping 2 small rubber rings onto it before closing.
2. For the next row, open another large ring, scoop 3 rubber rings onto it and then weave it through one of the hanging rings from step 1. Note: It is important to remember to scoop the correct number of rubber hanging rings each time as they are closed rings and cannot be added on later without reopening the large ring.
3. For the second ring in row 2, open a large ring, scoop 2 rubber rings onto it and weave it through one of the hanging rings from step one and one of the hanging rings from step two. You will end up with 4 rubber rings hanging off of row two.
4. Continue this process referencing the picture to the above-right. You may find it helpful to lay your piece down and line up the next row to visualize the connecting points.
5. Once you’ve completed the shape, add the two small rings to one of the rings at the top of the heart and slip the chain through these two rings to complete the necklace.
BIG & little chain
Combine large T16 rings with tiny D20 rings to create this simple and elegant chain that works great as a necklace or a bracelet.
MATERIALS FOR 18″ NECKLACE / plus rings per inch (RPI)
36 x large jump rings / 2 RPI (we used size T16 in Iridescent Gunmetal anodized aluminum mix)
252 x tiny jump rings / 14 RPI (we used size D20 also in Iridescent Gunmetal anodized aluminum mix)
findings of your choice to close the necklace
2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 1…and so on.
2. Next, open a large ring and weave it up through the first set of doubled rings, and down through the next.
3. Repeat step 2 for the length of your piece. Finish the necklace by adding your favorite clasp. Note: you may wish to weave a heavier gauge (or stainless steel) ring through the final set of doubled rings to attached your findings to prevent the tiny rings from pulling apart.
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