Enameled Copper Update

If you’re a fan of colorful enameled copper rings, you’ve probably noticed that certain colors—in fact, many of the most popular colors—have been MIA for quite some time.  We wanted to take a moment to let you know what’s going on.

enameled copper jump ringsThe issue with EC right now is bigger than Blue Buddha. In fact chainmaille manufacturers all over the world are experiencing the same out of stock, missing color issues as we are.  The reason?  The problems stem from the wire itself. This wire is only made by a very, VERY small number of manufacturers.  Creating enameled copper wire is quite challenging (particularly in large spools that suppliers like B3 need) and, with changeovers in ownership of one of the major manufacturers, there has been a bit of a learning curve happening which has affected many of your favorite bright colors for the last several months.

Like many other suppliers, we started to wonder what the future of these rings would be.  As artists, we can’t imagine not being able to use enameled copper rings in our pieces.  As a business, we can’t ignore the frustration it continues to cause our customers who have put projects and even commissions on hold while we wait to see what happens with these rings.  Feeling torn, we’ve started talking with other suppliers about their experiences and with the wire manufacturers to better understand where they are with the trouble-shooting process.  It’s really important to us to do as thorough of an investigation into this as we can so that we can empower you to better understand the product and work with you, our customers, to figure out what we should do if we need to make major changes to what we can offer.

In the meantime, we are talking with smaller suppliers who we’re considering recommending for certain colors.  These suppliers create smaller batches of jump rings from significantly smaller spools of the wire which have not had the same trouble as the large spools.  We will certainly keep you updated with what we learn in this process and will open up the conversation more directly if we need to make some big changes.

The astute mailler has probably also noticed that our anodized aluminum stock situation hasn’t been much better than the EC. We are going through similar trouble-shooting in this area with the ultimate goal of course to keep our AA in stock all the time. You can expect another post within the next week or so with some insight into this issue and an invitation to join the conversation about how best to solve the kinks that cause it.

Edge Fest 2012 Fun + “Guess How Many Rings” contest answer!

Edge Fest, Edgewater, ChicagoThanks to everyone who came out for Edge Fest this weekend in our soon-to-be new neighborhood, Edgewater!  We had a blast even though we almost blew/floated away on Saturday afternoon when a huge storm decided to roll in.  (For those interested, here’s a pretty amazing time lapse video of this storm rolling into downtown at Lollopalooza – the same storm headed straight up to our neck of the woods from there!)  We survived though and had a really awesome time meeting our new neighbors.

Blue Buddha booth @ Edge Fest, Chicago

We also had fun playing our “Guess How Many Rings” game with our booth visitors (check out the jar in the pic to the left.)  We had quite a range of guesses all the way from 710 to 10,576 but the winning guess belonged to Krista P. who was only 9 rings off from the correct answer of 3,709 (she guessed 3,700 – wow!)

Overall, it was a great weekend and we can’t wait to move to our new neighborhood.  See you all then!

Chainmaille projects from B3 Designers in the newest issue of “Wirework”!

Wirework Magazine Fall 2012

Pick up the latest issue of Wirework magazine to find instructions for two projects by B3 Designers Rebeca Mojica and Kat Wisniewski.  You can purchase Wirework Fall 2012 right here on our website.

Read more about these projects below including important notes about errors in the magazine!  Also, make sure to bookmark our Magazine Project Supplies page – we’ll be updating it soon with these projects and many more!

Chainmaille Bracelet“Coiled Butterfly” by Rebeca Mojica

Flip to page 24 to find instructions for Rebeca’s project.  Kits for “Coiled Butterfly” are also now available.  If you’re shopping for rings à la carte or gathering supplies from your own stash at home, please note that the mm conversions listed next to the 18ga rings in the magazine are incorrect.  The measurements listed are in AWG (1.0mm) but they should be in SWG (1.2mm).

Also note that the first ring size listed in the materials list (“A rings” which are the clasp rings) should be 18ga 1/8″ (3.2mm) – our size D18, not the size listed which would be our size G18.

“Coiled Butterfly” also scales up really nicely – check out the weave diagram below to make a larger version using base metal and anodized aluminum jump rings.

chainmaille weave diagram

(click for lagrer view)

Ring Sizes Used:
K16 = 16ga SWG 15/64″ (6.0 mm)
V16 = 16ga SWG 13/32″ (10.3 mm)
L16 = 16ga SWG 1/4″ (6.4 mm)
S16 = 16ga SWG 23/64″ (9.1 mm)
F18 = 18ga SWG 5/32″ (4.0 mm)
Clasp rings = G16 16ga SWG 11/64″ (4.4 mm)

Ring Counts – per inch (and for 7.5″ of material)
K16 = 1.5 rpi (12)
V16 = 1.5 rpi (12)
L16 = 6 rpi (48)
S16 = 3 rpi (24)
F18 = 6 rpi (48)




chainmaille bracelet using glass rings

Also in this issue is Kat’s project “Duplicate Duets” which we will be featuring as our “Maillers’ Choice” kit in September!  Again, it is important to note that the mm conversions listed for the 18ga rings in this project are AWG (1.0mm) but should be SWG (1.2mm).  Also note that ring counts listed are for 7″ of material.

Congratulations to July’s “Featured Product” contest winner!

Voting for July’s Featured Product of the Month contest is officially closed and the winner as chosen by you is……


Lindsay L. with her piece “Danu’s Delight”

Congratulations, Lindsay! Your creativity has earned you a B3 gift certificate for $25! To claim your prize, please send an email to [email protected].



Copper chainmaille braceletFEATURED PRODUCT FOR AUGUST – Copper Jump Rings

For August, we’re inviting you to get creative with a classic! Copper is an awesome metal to work with – great for beginners because it’s easy to manipulate and it has a great weight. Combine it with other metals or colored rings or keep it simple, whatever you do – get creating!

Learn more about using copper! Read more about this metal and how to care for the jewelry you create with it in our FAQ.

August “Featured Product” contest!

Copper chainmaille braceletFor August, we’re inviting you to get creative with a classic!  Copper is an awesome metal to work with – great for beginners because it’s easy to manipulate and it has a great weight.  Combine it with other metals or colored rings or keep it simple, whatever you do – get creating!

Learn more about using copper!  Read more about this metal and how to care for the jewelry you create with it in our FAQ. 


Make a project which primarily uses our featured product. The project can most definitely use other rings and components, but the featured product should really be the star of the piece. Please see the complete rules and details below for more information about qualifications.

Take a picture of your project and submit it using our official Featured Product Contest form (link below.) You may post the piece online somewhere and provide us with a link, or upload it directly in the form. You will be asked to provide your name and an email address we can use to contact you in case anything goes wrong with your submission—or if you are the winner of the contest!


Submissions are closed at midnight CT on 15th of every month and are limited to 2 entry pieces per person.

Get Votes! Submissions will close on the 15th of each month at which point the B3 Staff will choose our favorites. The top entries will be eligible for voting through a survey which we will post to our blog. If you are one of the finalists, feel free to share the link with friends via email, Facebook, Twitter or any other means.

Voting will close on the last day of the month.


We will award the top voted finalist each month with a $25 B3 Gift Certificate and will feature YOUR project in a special blog post and possibly even future B3 ads to inspire fellow chainmaillers all over the world.

Complete contest rules and details: Submissions are limited to 2 per person and must use the featured product of the month as determined by Blue Buddha Boutique. The project is not required to be made from Blue Buddha Boutique rings, however any winning projects that use primarily rings from another supplier or rings made by the artist will not be eligible for posting on our blog or use in our ads to prevent false advertising. Pieces do not have to be specially created for the contest but should be no more than 12 months old. Current employees and interns of Blue Buddha Boutique are not eligible for this contest. Finalists are chosen by Blue Buddha Boutique and voted upon anonymously by the public to determine a winner. Submissions may be disqualified at the discretion of Blue Buddha Boutique if they are deemed inappropriate in any way. If a winner does not claim their prize within 15 days of notification, the second place winner will be awarded the prize.