“Show Off Your Maille” week, 2012: Thursday

Perhaps not surprisingly, even folks that join our team as total strangers to chainmaille don’t stay that way for long.  Today’s show-offs are our General Manager, Nadja Aller and me, Jenna Deidel, B3’s Marketing Maven.  Despite being lifelong artists and crafters, neither of us knew much about chainmaille jewelry when we first began working at Blue Buddha Boutique.  That quickly changed (as you can see from the photos below) and we’re so glad it did.

Don’t forget – we’ll be highlighting photos shared on our Facebook wall by folks like you here on our blog tomorrow!  Make sure to stop by and post a pic of the pieces you’re showing off today.

Above: Nadja shows off her “Dodecahedron” necklace (yes, those are hands!!) as well as her black and red “Tapered Mobius” necklace.

Above: Jenna double-wrists it with Rebeca’s design, “Elfweave Braid“, on the left and Kat’s design, “Rapid Track“, on the right. 

“Show Off Your Maille” week, 2012: Wednesday

It’s humpday for our “Show Off Your Maille” week and today we have show-offs in the form of chainmaille expert, customer care specialist and weaving assistant Dan Rychtarik as well as our fearless leader, Rebeca Mojica (modeling pieces she created as well as showing off a piece she purchased from Kat Wisniewski.)

Don’t forget, you can participate in our week of increasing awareness and appreciation for the craft we love so much by posting pics of the chainmaille pieces you’re wearing today on our page on Facebook

Above: Dan Rychtarik sporting his maille.  See more of his work on the When Rings Dream page on Facebook.

Above: Rebeca Mojica showing off her chainmaille belt.  See more of Rebeca’s work at Rebeca Mojica Jewelry.  The center image shows: “Coiled Butterfly Cuff” (left) by Rebeca and an “Akimbo” bracelet (right) by Kat Wisniewski of Elemental Art Jewelry.

“Show Off Your Maille” week, 2012: Tuesday

Kat Wisniewski has been creating original designs for B3 kits and instructions as well as her own gorgeous line of jewelry, Elemental Art Jewelry, for years.  Today she is showing off two of her pieces in honor of “Show Off Your Maille” week. Enjoy!

“Rubber Latticework Flex”

5-row “Inclined to Shine” with glass toggle

YOU can participate in our “Show Off Your Maille” week too! Take a picture of the chainmaille jewelry you’re wearing today and post it to our page on Facebook. We’ll shere fan photos here on our blog on Friday.

“Show Off Your Maille” Week, 2012: Monday

We had our first ever “Show Off Your Maille” week in October 2011 We had so much fun sharing pictures of what folks were sporting in our office and seeing what chainmaille pieces you were wearing through your posts on our page on Facebook that we decided to make a yearly tradition!  We hear from customers all the time about how pieces they wear start conversations with friends and even total strangers that lead to a broader awareness and appreciation for the art of making chainmaille jewelry.

“Show Off Your Maille” week is not only a time to show off the really amazing things you create but also to spread the chainmaille love and grow awareness for the craft.

We’ll be posting pictures of B3 team members wearing their chainmaille creations here on our blog all week long.  You can participate by posting pictures of pieces you’re wearing to our page on Facebook.  At the end of the week, we’ll create a post that features as many of those pictures as we possibly can to celebrate your wonderful work. In the meantime, check out April and Omni below and see what they’re sporting today!

Above, Left: One of our newest team members, April, is wearing a super cute cardigan chain she created as well as some earrings featuring two of her talents – chainmaille and paper arts (yes, she made those tiny books too!)  Above, Right: One of resident chainmaille experts and customer care folks, Omni is rocking lots of maille today (and everyday!)

Show off your maille! Visit our page on Facebook to show us pieces you’re wearing today and your picture could be featured here on our blog on Friday!


Jumpstart the New B3: campaign update!

We launched our “Jumpstart” campaign almost two weeks ago to raise money to put towards the buildout of our new home and the future of B3 as a company.  We’ve received lots of positivity from customers, fellow business owners, family and friends and we can’t thank you all enough for the support you’ve shown.  We feel so lucky to have you guys as a support system as we take this big step for our business.

We’re also really excited to announce that we’ve raised more than $15,000 already through this campaign!  (That is a little more than 30% of our $50,000 goal in less than two weeks.)  Yep, we are floored.  Thanks to all of you who have purchased “Maillers’ Choice” Club subscriptions, Infinite Beauty packages and Ring of Support sponsorships.  You rock!  We’re also busy dreaming up some more cool items to add to the campaign including special ordering perks such as “speed passes” and bonus discounts on all B3 orders.  Stay tuned!

In the next few weeks, we’ll begin posting more details showing just how we’re utilizing these funds in our buildout.  In the meantime, here are some pictures of the most recent progress – it’s really starting to take shape!  (For a picture from even earlier in the process as well as more information about the buildout itself, check out our “A New Space! A New Expense …” post.)