Mailler of the Year 2012 is *drumroll*….

The winners of our Featured Product of the Month Contests for 2012 went head to head for the title, you voted and the winner is ….

Chrys M. with his piece, “Deluxe Tarzan Bracelet”!

Chrys is an avid participant of our contests and was actually our monthly winner twice in 2012.  His creations inspired us all year long and clearly, they inspired you too!  We’re thrilled to give this award to him and know he’ll represent the role well (and keep his well-earned bragging rights within reason *wink*)

Congrats also to all our finalists.  Your work was fantastic and we’re so glad we weren’t the ones who had to decide a winner!  We can’t wait to keep seeing your amazing work this year.  Keep challenging yourselves and showing off your talents!


As Mailler of the Year, Chrys earns our grand prize of a $100 B3 gift certificate and of course, bragging rights for the year. To earn a spot as a finalist for 2013 Mailler of the Year, submit a piece to one of our Featured Weave contests. We post details on our blog at the beginning of each month, so stay tuned!


Featured Weave for February: DRAGONSCALE


For 2013, we’ve changed our “Featured Product” contest into a “Featured WEAVE” contest. January started the year with a bang! We featured byzantine and received so many amazing submissions (it was almost impossible to narrow them all down to the finalists above!)

For February, we’re featuring dragonscale. This weave can be tricky to learn but is a big favorite among many of our community members and was enthusiastically requested to be featured by fans on Facebook. Submissions are now open so get creative and show us what you’ve got!


Never tried this weave but feeling up for the challenge? You can purchase Blue Buddha instructions for Dragonscale here on our website. Like many customers we’re heard from, we’re sure they will help you conquer this beast once and for all.



Make a project which primarily uses the featured weave or a variation of the featured weave. The project can use any and all B3 supplies and can use other weaves, but the featured weave should be the star. Please see the complete rules and details below for more information about qualifications.

Take a picture of your project and submit it using our official Featured Weave Contest form (link below.) You may post the piece online somewhere and provide us with a link, or upload it directly in the form. You will be asked to provide your name and an email address we can use to contact you in case anything goes wrong with your submission—or if you are the winner of the contest!


Submissions are closed at midnight CT on 15th of every month and are limited to 2 entry pieces per person.

Get Votes! Submissions will close on the 15th of each month at which point the B3 Staff will choose our favorites. The top entries will be eligible for voting through a survey which we will post to our blog. If you are one of the finalists, feel free to share the link with friends via email, Facebook, Twitter or any other means.

Voting will close on the last day of the month.


We will award the top voted finalist each month with a $25 B3 Gift Certificate and will feature YOUR project in a special blog post and possibly even future B3 ads to inspire fellow chainmaillers all over the world.

Complete contest rules and details: Submissions are limited to 2 per person and must use the featured product of the month as determined by Blue Buddha Boutique. The project is not required to be made from Blue Buddha Boutique rings, however any winning projects that use primarily rings from another supplier or rings made by the artist will not be eligible for posting on our blog or use in our ads to prevent false advertising. Pieces do not have to be specially created for the contest but should be no more than 12 months old. Current employees and interns of Blue Buddha Boutique are not eligible for this contest. Finalists are chosen by Blue Buddha Boutique and voted upon anonymously by the public to determine a winner. Submissions may be disqualified at the discretion of Blue Buddha Boutique if they are deemed inappropriate in any way. If a winner does not claim their prize within 15 days of notification, the second place winner will be awarded the prize.

Vote for January’s Feature Weave contest winner!


Submissions for Janury’s Featured Weave Contest are closed and the B3 team has done the difficult job of narrowing down the submissions to our group of finalists which means it’s time for YOU to cast your vote to determine the winner. This month, we challenged folks to show us their most creative pieces using the byzantine weave (variations and hybrids also allowed.)  We had tons of awesome submissions and now it’s your job to decide the winner!

To share the survey, we recommend you copy the link to this blog post and use that in any emails, blog posts, or social media posts you’d like to make about it (we’ve noticed some weirdness in the past with sharing the link directly – it sometimes like to bump people out of voting that haven’t already.)

Get a sneak peak at the all of our finalists below:


Our contest is changing for 2013!


For 2013, we’ve changed our “Featured Product” contest into a “Featured WEAVE” contest. January started the year with a bang!  We featured byzantine and received so many amazing submissions (it was almost impossible to narrow them all down to the finalists above!)

For February, we’re featuring dragonscale.  This weave can be tricky to learn but is a big favorite among many of our community members and was enthusiastically requested to be featured by fans on Facebook.  Submissions for this contest will open in February so get creative and show us what you’ve got! 


Never tried this weave but feeling up for the challenge?  You can purchase Blue Buddha instructions for Dragonscale here on our website.  Like many customers we’re heard from, we’re sure they will help you conquer this beast once and for all.



Get January’s “Maillers’ Choice” Kit – TODAY ONLY!

This month’s “Maillers’ Choice” kits are now available on our sale page. Scoop up your fan-customized “Celtic Visions w/ Glass Rings” kit today only from noon to midnight CT. Kit comes with enough supplies to create this fun variation, complete with optional mobiused edging.

Love “Maillers’ Choice”? Join the Club!

Add a “Maillers’ Choice” Club subscription to your order and receive all kits in 2013 to your mail box automatically each month. Please note that subscriptions purchased today will begin in January, so if you would like the December kit, you must add that to your order as well.

Thank you for entering our first Featured Weave contest!

Wowza!  We just had to take a moment to give kudos to everyone who entered our first Featured Weave contest.  We had 40 entries (shown below), definitely the most we’ve ever had for one of our monthly contests.  You work is really inspiring and narrowing the pieces down is quite the lofty task!  Stay tuned to see who the finalists will be and have your chance to vote for the winner.  Voting will open next Tuesday, January 22nd.

In the meantime, thanks to all the maillers who kicked this contest off with a rockin’ start!

(click for larger view)