Show Off Your Maille 2013: Tuesday

For the last two years, we’ve held a special “Show Off Your Maille” week in October to celebrate the creativity of maillers in our community and raise awareness for our craft which, let’s face it, can still sometimes garner a strange look or raised eyebrow from folks not in the know. Each day this week, we’ll share pictures of the jewelry our team is sporting and we invite you to show off your pieces by posting them to our page on Facebook or sending them to us in an email at [email protected].

Come on, be a show off!



Betsy is our Social Media & Marketing Assistant which means, if you’re addicted to our page on Pinterest, she’s the one to blame. As one of our newest team members, she is also brand new to chainmaille and has quickly become addicted to the craft (we’re sure none of you could possibly relate to that). *wink* Today she’s showing off her Illusion Loops earrings which she made in a recent class.

Want to create your own pair?  Download the free tutorial right here on our website.


Omni is a B3 Customer Care Specialist, chainmaille expert, teacher, and designer. He’s well known for creating epic chainmaille garments including his dress “Violet Vestments” and “Penny Pincher” corset so it’s only logical that he’d accessorize his rockin’ leather jacket with maille.

Learn these weaves yourself! Full Persian (shown left) and European 4-in-1/Mesh (shown right)

Happy 3rd Anniversary, CHAINED!

The traditional third anniversary gift is leather, which goes quite nicely with chainmaille, don’t you think?

CHAINED_cover-lo1We can’t believe that Rebeca has been creating and enabling chainmaille addicts through her book CHAINED for three years already! Since 2010, more than 30k copies of the book have been sold worldwide.

Writing a book is tough enough, but with a detailed instructional book like CHAINED, Rebeca needed to not only write a narrative, but also step-by-step instructions, then weave several versions of a sample item (about 100 of them!), and have it all photographed. She worked for more than a year on this labor of love – resulting in 144 pages, more than 30 projects and variations, mailling tips and tricks, and the ability for people to make their own chainmaille jewelry!

Kits from the book are still some of the best selling items here at Blue Buddha Boutique – and to celebrate, we’ve recently updated some of the color combinations.

A Look Back

For a look at the publishing process of CHAINED, revisit this blog post from February 2010, where Rebeca wrote about putting the finishing touches on the manuscript.

And then there were photoshoots. Images are especially important in a book that is teaching the reader to DIY. Bad photos = confused readers. Rebeca put this task in the capable hands of Blue Buddha’s Marketing Maven Jenna Deidel. Rebeca and Jenna spent hours upon hours under hot lights, shooting and reshooting the pieces.


Ring of Philanthropy

A portion of CHAINED’s sales – ultimately, $1,000 – was donated to Friends of Franklin Fine Arts Center, a non-profit organization whose mission is to raise funds and provide community resources and support for Franklin Fine Arts Center, a Chicago Public Magnet elementary school in Chicago’s Old Town neighborhood, focused on the visual and performing arts. Franklin Fine Arts Center is especially close to our hearts however because Rebeca’s first formative encounter with the arts was as a student there. B3_FOFFAC_white

Rebeca said, “I wanted to give back to the school that fostered my creativity and taught me to express human emotion through the arts. I want other people to know about the success of Franklin, and I want parents and teachers everywhere to brainstorm ways to bring the arts to more students.”

Just for Fun

Rebeca embarked on “gueurrila marketing” mission in an LA Barnes & Noble. She may have given a copy of CHAINED a more prominent shelf location, and it may *cough* have resulted in a small spike in sales. :)

A Star is Born

Rebeca proudly showed off the fruits of her labor at the CHAINED launch party on December 11, 2010, at the Lillstreet Art Center in Chicago.


And the Reviews are in …

 Via the Blue Buddha Boutique Online Guestbook:
I have just received my copy of CHAINED and love it. I am only new to chainmaille but after viewing your website and looking through your wonderful book my head is so full of ideas! Do I really need to waste time sleeping? Thank you so much!” – Camille L., AU, 9/6/12

I learned how to make chainmaille jewelry with Rebeca’s book CHAINED and from the very first piece I made I was hooked! The instructions are very clear and easy to follow, the pieces are beautiful, and the rings are the best quality I’ve found. Thanks to everyone at B3!” – Amy K., US, 8/31/12


This has to be the best instructional guide for maille that I’ve read yet. The detailed close-up pictures of actually working with the rings has been very helpful. There is a lot of detail to show exactly how a weave works for beginners, and shows a fast track to refresh your memory if you’re doing it again or if you have a lot of experience weaving. I highly recommend this book to people of all skill levels. And the projects are fantastic, too.” – Rod Westwood, 11/23/10

This book has got to be added to the library of every mailler or wannabe mailler out there! The pictures are outstanding – you can see each step. The detailed instructions make even the hardest of weaves understandable. For the beginning student, each section starts with an easy weave and then progresses to intermediate, advanced and expert. The beauty of this is that you are able to learn each weave (or review it) then go on to more difficult, intricate variations. You’ll feel like an expert in no time! The first chapter provides so much useful information for people who are new to chainmaille or to those who have been weaving for a while. By far, this is the best chainmaille book I have ever seen.” – Christa K., 11/29/13

In this book Rebeca brings chainmaille out of the “dark ages” with color and flare! She takes ancient weaves and updates them for the 21st Century by adding color. Then she adds movement and depth by going beyond the norm and jazzing up age-old designs. As other reviewers have said, someone new to chainmaille could get this book and master these weaves in no time at all, the directions are amazing with step by step pictures. Someone like myself, who already knows the art, will revel in the new ways to do their art.” – Maureen Martinek, 12/14/10

The Winner of September’s Roundmaille Featured Weave Contest Is …

Voting for September’s Featured Weave Contest is now closed, and the winner chosen by you is: Wing N. with Captivated Pocket Watch Chain!


Congratulations, Wing! You’ve won a $25 B3 gift certificate. Email us at [email protected] to claim your prize.


For October, it’s a special edition of the Featured Weave Contest! Check out how to submit your pet Halloween costume and the chance to win a $100 B3 gift certificate.

Featured Weave Contest for October – Let’s See Those Pet Costumes!

Chainmail_Cat_2_by_RossicSubmissions are now being accepted for the October Featured Weave Contest! Get to work on those pet costumes :)

Your photo must show your pet wearing your creation. Remember, you have a little more time to get your contest entry in – the deadline is October 28. B3 staff will vote for a winner and the prize will be a $100 B3 gift certificate.



Make a project which primarily uses the featured weave or a variation of the featured weave. The project can use any and all B3 supplies and can use other weaves, but the featured weave should be the star. Please see the complete rules and details below for more information about qualifications.

Take a picture of your project and submit it using our official Featured Weave Contest form (link below.) You may post the piece online somewhere and provide us with a link, or upload it directly in the form. You will be asked to provide your name and an email address we can use to contact you in case anything goes wrong with your submission—or if you are the winner of the contest!


Submissions will be closed at midnight Oct 28th this month and are limited to 2 entry pieces per person.


We will award the top voted finalist each month with a $100 B3 Gift Certificate and will feature YOUR project in a special blog post and possibly even future B3 ads to inspire fellow chainmaillers all over the world.

Complete contest rules and details: Submissions are limited to 2 per person and must use the featured weave of the month as determined by Blue Buddha Boutique. The project is not required to be made from Blue Buddha Boutique rings, however any winning projects that use primarily rings from another supplier or rings made by the artist will not be eligible for posting on our blog or use in our ads to prevent false advertising. Pieces do not have to be specially created for the contest but should be no more than 12 months old. Current employees and interns of Blue Buddha Boutique are not eligible for this contest. Finalists are chosen by Blue Buddha Boutique and voted upon anonymously by the public to determine a winner. Submissions may be disqualified at the discretion of Blue Buddha Boutique if they are deemed inappropriate in any way. If a winner does not claim their prize within 15 days of notification, the second place winner will be awarded the prize. Please note: As of March 2013, participants are not eligible to win two or more months in a row.

Featured Weave Contest for October: Chainmaille Costumes – for Pets!

We know, we know. The September Featured Weave winner hasn’t even been announced yet (there’s still time to vote until tomorrow!), and we’re already letting the cat (ha!) out of the bag on October’s contest. We can’t help it– we’re excited! 

It’s no secret that we are some serious Halloween fans here at B3. It also probably wouldn’t shock anyone that we love our furry family members. So, why not combine them for the October Featured Weave contest?!

Get your maille on and show us your spooky, funny, scary, or adorable chainmaille Halloween costume for your pet!

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Submissions will be accepted beginning October 1, so look for our blog post on Tuesday for the entry form link. And yes, your photo must show your pet wearing your creation!

To give you some extra time to work on your project for this special contest, we’ll close the contest on October 28 (instead of the usual 15th of the month). B3 staff will vote for a winner and – drumroll please – the prize will be a $100 B3 gift certificate!

Good luck! We can’t wait to see what you come up with. Happy Weaving!