B3 Artisan Market – Meet the Artists!

1452212_407558379346767_480810720_nIt has taken a lot of time and construction dust, but the Blue Buddha Boutique retail store in Chicago is up and running. We love teaching in our spiffy new classrooms and chatting with passers by – most often introducing them to chainmaille for the first time! While our true love is chainmaille, we didn’t want the store to carry only maille. We want it to be a place for the community to shop for locally handmade goods of all kinds. Enter, the B3 Artisan Market. Stop by and you’ll find everything from chainmaille pieces (of course!) to knitted scarves, reusable coffee sleeves, photography, greeting cards, children’s clothing, and soap. With this kind of variety, it’s entirely possible to make one-stop holiday shopping a reality.

We understand not everyone can visit us in Chicago (it’s snowing and 12 degrees out today; we get it), so this post is the first in a series where we’ll introduce you to the amazing artists who sell their work in the B3 Artisan Market.

Omni Mee | Entropyware

photo 1You might recognize Omni as B3’s Knowledge Navigator, one of our helpful customer care specialists and a  chainmaille instructor. But even before B3, Omni always had a passion for creating things, particularly with metal. He still remembers the first time he was finally able to shape metal into what he saw in his mind. Nearly 25 years later he is still experimenting, creating, and making objects in metal. In 2009, Omni started Entropyware which originally featured his chainmaille jewelry, and within a year carried cuffs and rings.

Omni works with both base metals and precious metals, and depending on the tools used he creates a bracelet with a surface that ranges from smooth to dimpled or rough, and form the shape of the piece, ranging from from a classic flat cuff or modern shapes. He then polishes or patinas the piece for color and shine, and finally coats it with renaissance wax to protect the finish.

Edgewater Soap | David Melis

photoWhen not making soap, David Melis facilitates access to information as a public services, reference, and cataloging librarian. His personal goal as an information professional is to encourage and nurture in others the natural curiosity and love of learning that have enriched his life – and led him, among many other things, to become a soap maker.

David explained, “I love making soap because it’s both an art and a craft, and it has just enough chemistry thrown in to be a science as well. In addition, because my goal has always been to use natural botanical, plant-derived, or mineral ingredients to the greatest extent possible, developing new products is always an exciting challenge.”

He continued, “My soap makes people feel good. They feel good emotionally because they both look and feel better after using it, and because buying a handcrafted soap is a wonderfully simple way to indulge or reward themselves – or, if purchased as a gift, someone they care about. And they feel good intellectually because they know their purchase of a product with natural ingredients is ecologically responsible.”

When Rings Dream | Daniel Rychtarik

photo 2

When Rings Dream started when a box arrived at Daniel Rychtarik’s home. Inside was enough jump rings to start creating and selling chainmaille to his friends. Wanting to learn different weaves and more applications for the craft, Daniel furthered his chainmaille education, and after a few weekends of creativity and collaboration with Joshua Diliberto, Daniel was determined to make this hobby a lifestyle. Soon Courtney Hardcastle came aboard and they headed to the Renaissance Faire as their first public event. To keep up with the increasing demand, Rachel Billich joined the team.

And here at Blue Buddha, we’re lucky to call Dan one of our own; he is B3’s Journeyman Weaver and Patron Emissary.

When Rings Dream continues to grow, teach and create quality custom chainmaille designs.

We hope to see you this weekend at the first
Blue Buddha Boutique Holiday Trunk Show!



Free Holiday Jewelry Project: Red & Green Scale Maille Bracelet

The holidays find many crafters in a making frenzy and it seems like no matter how much you plan, there’s always that one last minute gift you end up discovering you need to make in a hurry. Below is a super-quick jewelry project that comes together easily but will still impress your recipient. (Plus, it’s so quick to make, you’ll even have time to whip up an extra one for yourself to keep!)

Happy Holiday Weaving!

Holiday Scale Maille Bracelet

by Blue Buddha Boutique

Materials List:

1 pack of 25 red anodized aluminum scales
1 pack of 25 green anodized aluminum scales
1 pack of 100 F18 green anodized aluminum jump rings
F = 5/32” (4.0mm)
18ga SWG = 0.048” (1.2 mm)
8 size D18 jewelry brass rings (for clasp)
1 gold color Cursive Toggle

Or simple purchase our Holiday Scale Maille kit – available through December 31st!

Prep: Pre-open all size F18 jump rings.


1. Using a small ring, connect one end of your clasp to a scale.

2. Add the next scale by aligning it with the first one, and weaving a small ring through the holes on either side of the clasp ring.

3. Add the next scale by aligning it with the second scale and weaving through the holes on both scales on either side of the project.

4. Continue step 3 until you reach your desired length.

5. Finish the bracelet by attaching your clasp as shown.

KIT-HOLLY-EAR-100pxCheck out our other Holiday Projects!

If you enjoyed this scale maille project, you may also like our matching Holly Berry earrings, available along with several other festive projects on our Seasonal Kits page!

Featured Weave Contest – December 2013

Submissions are now being accepted for the December Featured Weave Contest! Send in a photo of your projects using the mobius technique. A great skill for chainmaille newbies to learn, it is also adaptable for the pros to incorporate into more complex designs.

For some mobius instructions and projects, check out Forward & Backward Mobiusing, and  WiggleFlowers, and Mobius Bracelets.

Want to see which B3 sizes work well for this weave? Visit our base metal stats & uses page and our sterling silver stats & uses page.







Make a project which primarily uses the featured weave or a variation of the featured weave. The project can use any and all B3 supplies and can use other weaves, but the featured weave should be the star. Please see the complete rules and details below for more information about qualifications.

Take a picture of your project and submit it using our official Featured Weave Contest submission form. You may post the piece online somewhere and provide us with a link, or upload it directly in the form. You will be asked to provide your name and an email address we can use to contact you in case anything goes wrong with your submission—or if you are the winner of the contest!


Submissions will be closed at midnight Dec. 15 and are limited to 2 entry pieces per person.


We will award the top voted finalist each month with a $25 B3 Gift Certificate and will feature YOUR project in a special blog post and possibly even future B3 ads to inspire fellow chainmaillers all over the world.

Complete contest rules and details: Submissions are limited to 2 per person and must use the featured weave of the month as determined by Blue Buddha Boutique. The project is not required to be made from Blue Buddha Boutique rings, however any winning projects that use primarily rings from another supplier or rings made by the artist will not be eligible for posting on our blog or use in our ads to prevent false advertising. Pieces do not have to be specially created for the contest but should be no more than 12 months old. Current employees and interns of Blue Buddha Boutique are not eligible for this contest. Finalists are chosen by Blue Buddha Boutique and voted upon anonymously by the public to determine a winner. Submissions may be disqualified at the discretion of Blue Buddha Boutique if they are deemed inappropriate in any way. If a winner does not claim their prize within 15 days of notification, the second place winner will be awarded the prize. Please note: As of March 2013, participants are not eligible to win two or more months in a row.

Free chainmaille project ideas for Jewelry Brass jump rings!


Metallic gold jewelry is especially trendy this year and we’ve got some project ideas that are easy to make and won’t break the bank.  Jewelry Brass is a great affordable alternative to precious metal rings, easy to work with and still lends a nice weight to pieces.  Check out our “free & easy” jewelry projects blog series for tips and materials lists to create the chevron necklace and rings & earring set shown above.

Get your glitter on!

Spot Us on the CTA and Win!

If you ride the CTA red line in Chicago, you may see our faces smiling down on you!

Yep, we’re kind of a big deal. :)

photoWe’re running ads on the red line L cars through December – so let’s have some fun with it! If you spot our ad, snap a photo of yourself with it and send it to us by Friday, December 27th. Then we’ll randomly select one entry to win a $25 Blue Buddha gift certificate! (One entry per person, please.)

How to send us your B3 CTA selfie:

Please note: While we look forward to sharing some of the photos on our main Blue Buddha Boutique and B3 Chicago Retail Store Facebook pages, you cannot post your contest entry there. Facebook has some pretty strict rules about contests and we need to abide by them. Thanks for understanding.

Good luck, happy L riding, and of course, happy weaving!