B3 Video: DIY Tips and Life Hacks!

Here at Blue Buddha, our thirst for creative problem-solving and DIY culture goes beyond jewelry-making! We love finding ways to save money, do things in a more eco-friendly way, make cool things and generally live a more creative life.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel now so you’ll never miss a fun DIY tip or life hack. Check out our series introduction video here, and then scroll down to dive right in to the first life hack – DIY laundry detergent!

Coming Soon to B3! Wire Knot Intensive With Loren Damewood

Sept. 13, 2014 — UPDATE:  We are happy to announce that Loren has been able to reschedule his Wire Knot Intensive weekend for November 8-9, 2014! Sign up for this incredible opportunity to learn from a master. Read more about the classes below.


We are thrilled to be hosting Master Teacher Loren Damewood at B3 in Chicago in just a few weeks! August 16 and 17 [Now scheduled for November 8-9, 2014], Loren will demonstrate how to tie fine silver into knots with this exciting intensive. Students will receive one-on-one instruction in an intimate setting — an incredible opportunity to learn this unique form of jewelry-making!

Sign up for the whole weekend or select from one of the three classes detailed below. Seating is extremely limited! Register today to secure your spot.

CLS-PROLONG-KNOT-MASTER-bigProlong Knot Bracelet
10 am, Saturday, November 8

This hands-on one-day workshop will introduce the student to the principles of tying complex two-dimensional knots in precious wire, specifically addressing the Prolong Knot, or Ocean Plat, made into a bracelet. Examples will be provided, as well as discussion and demonstration of the use of this knot in several applications.

CLS-5X9-EARRINGS-MASTER-bigTurk’s Head Mat / 5 x 9 Earrings
10 am, Sunday, November 9

This deceptively simple-seeming pattern is tricky to implement but elegant when mastered. Five turns of wire, with nine loops around the edge, it leads the eye on a path that seems never-ending. Blink, and it becomes a daisy. Blink again, a star appears in the center.


3 pm, Sunday, November 9
Building on the skills introduced in the first session, but in three dimensions, specifically addressing the Turk’s Head Knot, made into a ring. There will be examples and discussion of the use of this knot in several other applications, with demonstrations as time permits. Ring sizing will be covered, and a ring-making fixture capable of producing multiple sizes is provided.

LorenDamewood-headshotAbout the Teacher
Loren Damewood has been creating intricate decorative knots in precious metal for over 25 years. He recently retired from a career in the aerospace industry to teach workshops on his methods full time. He taught himself the techniques he uses, by trial and error, and delights in helping others to bypass the painful and tedious stages and go right to the shiny stuff.



Help Us Customize the August Maillers’ Choice Kit!

OmniCurvedHodoWe love seeing what you vote for each month for the Maillers’ Choice kits. Sometimes it’s like you read our minds, and sometimes you vote for something we didn’t really consider and it makes us say, “Of course! It looks great that way!”

So, what will you come up with for August’s Maillers’ Choice? Take a look at Omni’s Curved Hodo Choker and vote for the color to be used for the tiny connector rings (the sample uses all aluminum; the larger rings will stay plain aluminum). Tell us what your favorite is!


We Have a Winner of the Guess How Many Rings are in the Jar Contest

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted guesses of how many L16 AA jump rings are in the jar!

imageWe received guesses between 2,000 and 3,000,000, and the winner  whose guess was within just a few hundred of the actual number of rings – is Leah R.! Leah guessed 19,756 and the actual number of rings in the jar was 19,485!

Congratulations, Leah. You are the winner of a B3 goody bag valued at approximately $75. Here’s a peek at what’s coming your way :-) Please email us at [email protected] so that we can arrange the shipment of your prize.

Happy weaving!


Free & Easy Jewelry Project: Vintage Floral Burst Earrings!

Vintage Floral Burst Earrings, designed by Kat Wisniewski, Blue Buddha Boutique Designer

This vintage-inspired, summer-loving design uses pops of aqua to complement the beautiful bronze and copper tones. These simple earrings incorporate copper and glass chainmaille for an added touch of sophistication. The inspiration for this project came from the gorgeous Copper and Teal Flower Component itself; Kat was immediately drawn to both the color palette and the shape. Give them a try!

2 Copper & Teal Flower Components (available from Cousin Corp.)
2 Niobium earwires (in Curry)
2 large Copper Jump Rings in size Z16 (16 SWG 15/32″ // 11.9mm)
12 medium Copper Jump Rings in size M18 (18 SWG 17/64″// 6.7mm)
2 glass rings (9.5 mm OD x 3.5mm ID)
20 size 6 Miyuki seed beads*

*Even though the size of these beads are quite consistent overall, you may need to have more than 20 beads on hand to ensure the large jump ring fits through them. Also, Miyuki is more likely to work than Czech size 6, which have slightly smaller holes. 

Prep: Attach one earwire to each of the flower components by gently opening the loop on the earwire, weaving it through the hole on the component, and closing the loop again with your pliers. Set these aside until Step 2.


1. Add 10 seed beads to the large ring and close the ring. 01

2. With a medium ring, scoop up a glass ring and also weave through your beaded ring from Step 1. Before closing, also weave through the Copper and Teal Flower components you prepped. Close the ring.floralburst23

3.  Weave a medium ring through the glass ring within your unit and continue to weave it around the large ring.  Before closing ensure that there are 5 beads on either side of this medium ring.  Close the ring. (Click on photos to enlarge.)

4.  Finish your earring by weaving 2 additional medium rings on both sides of the center medium ring (5 rings total including the ring added in step 3). Make sure to trap a bead in between each medium ring before closing each one. (Click on photos to enlarge.) floralburst910Repeat steps 1-4 to complete your other earring. You’re done!