Artisan Market Monday: Elemental Art Jewelry

kat wisniewskiToday we are happy to launch the first of a new weekly blog series, Artisan Market Mondays. Each week we will feature a vendor from our Artisan Market — and we’re lucky to have such a creative and diverse stash of inventory to highlight. First up …

What better way to kick off this new series than with someone near and dear to Blue Buddha — our very own Kat Wisniewski of Elemental Art Jewelry (be sure to like her on Facebook too)!

In addition to being an incredibly talented chainmaille artist, particularly with glass rings, Kat is a member of the B3 team she puts her skills to great use doing photography, developing our class curriculum and teaching chainmaille classes — not to mention being the designer behind some of our best-selling kits ever.

Glass Caterpillar bracelet

Also, Kat will teach several classes at the 2015 Bead&Button Show in Milwaukee! She’s a busy lady and we’re lucky to have her on our team. 

Come by and check out Elemental Art Jewelry and all the other goodies in the Blue Buddha Artisan Market, 1127 W. Granville in Chicago.

glass chainmaille jewelry

Can’t stop by in person? Check out Kat’s website,

Small Business: Big Impact


To our friends at Holiday Inn,

Please accept this message from Blue Buddha Boutique to consider our organization for the #SmallBizWishContest sponsored by Holiday Inn.

Blue Buddha Boutique was founded 11 years ago by jewelry artist Rebeca Mojica as an online chainmaille supply and education resource. In 2013 the company evolved into a brick and mortar studio in Chicago and subsequently was voted Best New Business by the local Edgewater Chamber of Commerce.

02nlXZmr-hZulm-pBD1FLnaYQsoyFlo7TXlXsnCbKcz2TCPEjL055upX6Ppf2UAytF6lMQ=w1452-h731Last year, our crew at Blue Buddha Boutique helped people all over the world to make more than 10,000 pieces of beautiful, handcrafted jewelry. We strive to de-mystify the ancient art of chainmaille, and show everyone that handmade creations are within their grasp. Making chainmaille can be very therapeutic, and hundreds of customers have told us how soothing the repetitive nature of weaving chainmaille is. Combine that with the beautiful Blue Buddha designs, and people are constantly amazed at how enjoyable this craft is. By sharing the knowledge of how to make more than 100 artist-designed pieces, our customers can create gifts for loved ones for the rest of their lives.

Community Engagement

Blue Buddha’s Edgewater studio represents much more than a place to take chainmaille classes. The space is used to help make the community, and the world, a better place—one tiny metal ring at a time. Blue Buddha is home to local organization meetings, grassroots discussions and a pantheon of educational resources. It serves as a safe space, providing a welcoming environment for the community to connect, explore their creativity, learn, ask questions and just make.

During monthly Open Studio sessions, as well as participation in the national CRE8TIME movement on the eighth of every month, we open our studio doors, free of charge, for people who want to connect, collaborate and create.

Our studio hosts free educational workshops by the Chicago Craft Mafia, which are designed to support local artisans in building their businesses.

Philanthropic & Pro Bono Activities

Blue Buddha Boutique regularly donates supplies to aspiring fashion and jewelry designers to help them launch their careers, and to those who make jewelry for various fundraising activities. Blue Buddha has donated more than $10,000 in product to community organizations, including jewelry and classes for non-profit fundraising efforts.

Blue Buddha Boutique owner and jewelry artist Rebeca Mojica provides pro bono participation in various panels and roundtables for business owners via the Women’s Business Development Center and Edgewater Chamber of Commerce on topics such as increasing capacity, and hiring and increasing the minimum wage. She also schedules one-on-one pro bono informational/mentoring meetings with independent artists who are looking to start or grow their own business. 

What $25K Would Do For Blue Buddha

Winning a $25,000 grant from Holiday Inn would allow us to grow our new retail store, increasing our impact on our local community. We would be able to do a marketing push and invest in interactive technology to engage more Chicagoans and let them know that our space is here to help them reclaim their creativity. Increasing traffic to our store in turn helps boost the businesses of the nearly 50 artisans who sell their work through our Artisan Market. We would be able to outreach to various schools and community groups to present low-cost workshops, bringing the ancient craft of chainmaille to a new audience. All in all, this grant money would help elevate our business to a new level, creating the “mecca of creativity” that we’ve envisioned for our retail shop.

A Year in Review: 2014!

How did 2014 fly by in a blink?!

In a world where days, weeks and months seem to blur together, let’s take a minute to reflect on the year. We hope you enjoy this look back at some memorable moments from 2014, and be sure to share your favorite B3 and chainmaille moments of the year in the comments below.

Cheers for happy, healthy 2015!

January — February — March

rubr heartf-25-1-7200159_2yVJIWz5_CombinedCold metal, warm hearts! We survived the miserable polar vortex and warmed up with some fun romance-inspired seasonal kits, and wrote Valentines to what inspires us. <3

We also said a sad goodbye to an old friend, Oscar the Knight. We miss you, buddy!

April — May — June

I-Heart-MailleYou voted on the design — and then you bought a bunch of I *pliers* Chainmaille t-shirts! Thank you! We had a great time with this Teespring campaign, and love seeing folks wearing them around.

YouTube HAPPENED. This year, we really dedicated ourselves to creating helpful, educational and sometimes downright silly video content. It was a slippery learning curve, but we found our groove with monthly “Favorite Things” and “Ask Rebeca” episodes, as well as some informative DIY Life Hacks.

Have an idea for a video you’d like to see? Tell us in the comments!

Blue Buddha Boutique Artisan MarketFinally, in June, we celebrated the first anniversary of our Chicago retail shop. Seems like just yesterday it was a raw space with no floor. Now it is a thriving, colorful chainmaille supply and handmade goods destination in Chicago! Thank you for all the support!


July — August — September

tumblr_nblfd7JHRC1tc53zyo1_1280Rebeca answered a question we get a LOT: “Can I sell the jewelry I make from B3 tutorials?” The short answer: Yep!

And, we, uh, may or may not be responsible for Cats & Chainmaille.


October — November—December

MULT-250pxWe launched our new line of rubber O-rings! Not only are the colors vibrant and the texture amazing, but you can only get these rings from Blue Buddha. Sweet.

We also welcomed Britt Johnson, our new Marketing Director! Stay tuned for fun new things to come under her marketing leadership.

250x250DIY2014Possibly our biggest undertaking of  year? Blue Buddha hosted the DIY Trunk Show!

With more than 130 vendors and 5,000+ shoppers, more than a year of planning boiled down to one amazing day filled with talented artists, friendly shoppers, delicious food and beverages, and great music to fill the air. It all made the return of the DIY Trunk show a total blast!


12 Days of Craftmas: Twelve Months of Maillers’ Choice!

On the twelfth day of Craftmas, the Blue Buddha Artisan Market gave to me …

Twelve Months of Maillers’ Choice kits from Blue Buddha Boutique

Today we conclude our blog series, the 12 Days of Craftmas. We hope you’ve enjoyed it and are more familiar with just a few of the talented folks who sell their handmade goods in our Blue Buddha Artisan Market, as well as some fun chainmaille projects and special kits from Blue Buddha itself. We’re excited to announce that we’ll continue highlighting our Artisan Market vendors each Monday on this blog too! Stay tuned, and we look forward to meeting you as well! Please stop by our studio (1127 W. Granville, Chicago) and say hi; our hours can be found here.

If you’re as obsessed with chainmaille as we are, then you’ll want to purchase a subscription to our Mailler’s Choice kits. Subscribing has its perks, including increasing discounts for the more months you subscribe for, a kit shipped right to your door each month, and free instructions for each kit! Not sold yet?

If you had purchased a 12-month Maillers’ Choice subscription starting in January 2014, by today you’d have made the entire collection you see below!


Happy holidays  and happy weaving! 

12 Days of Craftmas: Eleven Snarky Sleeves

On the eleventh day of Craftmas, the Blue Buddha Artisan Market gave to me …

Eleven silly, sassy coffee cup sleeves by Snarky Sleeves

snarkySome estimates are as high as 23 billion paper coffee cups per year are used and thrown away in the U.S. alone. And each one of those cups is accompanied by an equally wasteful cardboard sleeve. 

Snarky Sleeves tries to reduce at least a small portion of that paper waste with awesome snarky words and phrases.

These sleeves are made from 100% recycled post-consumer PET plastic bottles, so you can feel even more eco-awesome.

An even better reason to snag every Snarky Sleeve you can ASAP? They will soon be closing up shop FOREVER. Get ’em while you can!

All of the Snarky Sleeves are handmade in Chicago, IL out of domestically made materials.

Learn more about Snarky Sleeves creator Michelle Kaffko here!

Stop by and check out more Snarky Sleeves at the Blue Buddha Artisan Market, 1127 W. Granville in Chicago, or visit