What the heck is going on with my order?

As our backlog grows, we are working as hard as we can and are committed to filling all your orders

So … you placed an order at the beginning of January, and as any reasonable person would, you’re starting to wonder what’s going on and if you’ll ever get your order.  The first part is tricky and long to explain (see below), but the short answer is YES – you will get your order! We will be restocking nearly all of our (metal) rings before we close down so that we can fill your orders.

If your order is #83424 or less and hasn’t yet shipped, it’s probably in one of these piles:

ordersThose are all the orders that are in our “problem” pile – meaning something was out of stock when we went to fill it. Aimee is going through those orders one by one to create backorders. Some might not turn into backorders; we are in the process of measuring and tumbling 135 lbs of aluminum rings (and a little bit of copper and jewelry brass) to take care of some of these problem orders. We’re not putting any of this new batch of rings back on the website until all current orders have been filled.

In the meantime, we’ve queued up production on our next batch of rings for subsequent orders. We’ve also printed a huge picklist for the next 100 orders and are in the process of prepping those.

We are committed to filling all the orders we can (as the rubber goes out of stock, those purchases will be refunded, since we are turning our rubber line over to Spiderchain.com). We’ll be receiving 5 million anodized aluminum rings in late February and will be restocking several hundred more pounds of most of our base metal sizes too.

Why is the backlog so big?

The problem (which I realize may not make a difference to your frustration level, but I figure it won’t hurt to explain) is that we do not have a complete back-end inventory system. We were hoping to set one up this year. Its a complex project due to the nature of one particular ring size/color having the potential to “exist” in many places at once. For instance, our stock of 50,000 F18 aluminum rings  could exist as part of a 50 pack, or 250 pack, or other pack sizes, or in many, many kits. We don’t pre-make our kits because we realized it tied up too much inventory that otherwise could be sold as loose packs, and plus, we like to offer the customization to you, which we can’t do if we pre-make kits.

This inventory feature is not something off-the-shelf e-commerce solutions do as part of their regular offering, so it was going to require a lot of customization and investment on our part, and we never quite had the money to spend on it.

This is a long way of saying that we don’t have a way of automatically knowing when we are out of stock of something. Normally it’s not a big deal because we have 1-2 day order processing times, so we can move items from our “backstock” area to our warehouse and then re-order or manufacture the low-stock item … but once we were swamped with orders, we just couldn’t keep up, and sometimes we received additional orders for out-of-stock items before we knew they were out of stock. :-(

Essentially, getting so many orders at once really broke our system. Now we’re working to prep all the aluminum rings for 50-100 orders at once; then the copper rings; then jewelry brass and so on. Overall this is faster than trying to pick each order one by one (or trying to tackle the entire order queue at once). It also means we spend a couple days picking and then we have a day where we ship a ton of orders at once. And then the cycle starts again. It’s not pretty, but it’s getting the job done slowly but surely.

I want to apologize deeply for the delay. We’ve been working as hard as we can, and it’s been difficult to keep up; we’re so sorry we haven’t been able to deliver the level of care our customers know and appreciate. Thank you so much for your patience through all this.

New Design Ideas Sparked by Craft & Hobby Association MEGA Show

Looking at DIY Jewelry Design With New Eyes

CHA Craft & Hobby Association logoI spent most of the last week taking classes and walking the show floor of the Craft & Hobby Association MEGA Show. The show isn’t open to the public; it’s a chance for manufacturers, retailers and designers in the craft industry to get together to learn about the industry, showcase new products and network. I’ve been attending since 2011, and this year the show took on new meaning for me, since I knew I was looking at it from the eyes of, “Oh, crap, what am I going to do with my life now that Blue Buddha is closing?!?”

Panic quickly gave way to enthusiasm. Honestly, I felt as though so many doors were opening to me–doors I would not have been able to walk through if I were still needing to run Blue Buddha. The week was full of exciting conversations and possibilities. I was able to push past the tunnel-vision box I’ve been in for the past few years and have begun to see how I might be able to impact the greater craft industry, not just the tiny chainmaille niche. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love chainmaille and my ultimate goal is still to lead people to discover chainmaille (muahahaha…. ?), but I’m excited to get out of my comfort zone and flex my creative muscles in new and different ways.

Colorful Anodized Aluminum

First and foremost, though, chainmaille is where my heart is. I spent a good deal of time chatting with the folks at Weave Got Maille. And before I get into their rings, um, check out the back of their booth!

Weave Got Maille trade show booth dragon with Rebeca MojicaThey gave me a few samples of their new 100% Made-in-the-USA anodized aluminum rings, with the disclaimer of, “these are prototypes and aren’t quite ready for prime time yet!” But you know what? They are FANTASTIC. And if these aren’t quite ready, I can’t imagine what the final product is going to be like!

turquoise anodized aluminum jump ringsThey are coil-anodized as opposed to basket-anodized. This is the route that we were going to take at Blue Buddha, because the basket-anodizing was just too labor intensive on our end: to pull out all the “bad” rings (meaning rings that were different shades or were too blotchy).  Coil-anodized rings are cut after they are coiled, which leads to much greater color consistency. The trade-off is that the cuts are not anodized. I wasn’t sure I could deal with non-colored ends, after having worked with fully-anodized rings for so many years.  I’d stubbornly held off for so long in giving coiled-anodized rings the green light at Blue Buddha … but I finally did last year when I realized there was no viable way to scale up the business using basket-anodized rings. (I mean, right now, we are processing orders so slowly because we are hand-quality controlling all our premium aluminum rings, which takes oodles and oodles of time.) Ultimately the decision to move to coil-anodized rings was too late in coming to save Blue Buddha, but at least I was already warm to the idea of such rings when I encountered Weave Got Maille’s rings.

I was very pleased. All of the rings were shiny and vividly colored. I immediately went for the blue, red and black rings (since the contrast of the non-anodized cuts would show up more in dark rings) and was happy to see that the cuts are not as obvious as I thought they’d be. In fact, most people probably wouldn’t even know they were there. I’m a mailler; I look for the seams! But the average jewelry-wearer, well, they wouldn’t have any clue.

red anodized aluminum jump ringsI also tested the 20-gauge rings, as those had been the bane of my existence at B3, with color coming off easily. The WGM 20ga rings held up perfectly. No color rub-off opposite the kerf; and a much stronger color consistency than is possible with basket anodizing. I’m chomping at the bit to see what the full product line will look like once they are launched, and I’ll keep you guys in the loop.

Prototype Anodized Aluminum rings from Weave Got Maille.

Prototype Anodized Aluminum rings from Weave Got Maille. I’m looking forward to the full product line, including rings in SWG (Standard Wire Gauge) which is primarily what I use.

Colorful Pop Tabs

colorful plastic pop tabs by the BeaderyWhile walking the show floor, the new pop tab line by The Beadery caught my eye. I’ve done a bit of pop-tab jewelry work about 14 years ago, but was never motivated to take it up again. Well, that is, until last week when I saw these pop tabs! These aren’t available for purchase yet, but I am going to be stalking the company until this product line comes out!

These “pop tabs” are 100% Made-in-the-USA, and they come in a variety of colors. Because they are plastic, my first instinct was to think they looked a little cheap. I mean, I work in metal, not plastic, for a reason, right?

But then I saw this amazing corset made with their pop tabs, and was blown away.

corset made of pop tabs in pink turquiose and whiteIt got my wheels spinning, and I was excited about figuring out how to create beauty from plastic pop tabs. It certainly is a challenge, but now that I see it can be done, I’m eager to come up with some designs.  The tabs are sold in 4 different mixes, plus solid silver-color, with a total of 19 colors overall.  I didn’t get a good photo of the color palette, but here is a zoomed-in version from another photo I took of their display. I’m most excited to play with the black and white mix and the earthy-green mix, with a few of those green and turquoise pastels tossed in for good measure. :-)

colorful plastic pop tabsAnd … I’m curious. Now that I’m starting to dip my toe in some non-chainmaille projects (which I think will actually help me be more creative in chainmaille in the long run), are there any things you’d like to see me try? Are there media you’ve played around with and want me to join you? :-) It’s like a whole new world for me, and I’m excited to try out new things! Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below or messaging me here or on the Blue Buddha Boutique page on Facebook.



Continuing to Slay Orders One Ring Pack at a Time

We’re working as fast as we can … still

Orders have continued to pour in since we announced our closing, and we’re continuing to make our way through our massive order queue. Our order turn-around times have increased to about 2 weeks (!) which we know is much higher than our normal 1-2 day turnaround. We are working as fast as our human hands allow. This is what we packed this morning to ship out (yes, it goes all the way to the back table and even beyond the photo), and we’ve got another couple of tables full like this for the afternoon run of orders:


Essentially, we did about 50 days worth of business in 5 days. This means it’s taking us an average of 10 times longer to fill orders. (Toss in end-of-year inventory counting and various employee illnesses, for an added challenge!) That’s why some of you haven’t received your order yet, or even a shipping confirmation of shipping. Trust us, we’re working very hard to fill all the orders, and will continue busting our butts until we’ve filled every order we can and sent out all the back-orders. (Now you know why we gave so much notice of our closing. We thought something like this might happen and we wanted to make sure we allowed ourselves enough time to fill your orders before we actually closed our doors. Making sure our customers are happy still is our #1 priority.)

We’re making progress, slowly but surely. (Emphasis on slowly for now? ? ) We’re also encountering many out-of-stocks as we go, so some of you will have backorders, which we’ll ship once we replenish our inventory!

If you’re placing an order now and what you want is out of stock, be sure to sign up for a back-in-stock notification, as we’re planning our final production runs and will base those on what people have most-often requested!

Thanks again for your patience!

Bear With Us While We Get Your Orders Out! (Please?)

We’re working as fast as we can

Since we announced our closing, we have been flooded with orders … which we expected, but *cough* it’s gonna take us a bit to get through all of them.

This is what our current order queue looks like. It’s, um, definitely larger than normal.

order-queueWe’re also encountering some out-of-stocks as we go, so some of you will have backorders, which we’ll ship once we replenish our inventory!

Thank you so much for your patience and support!

Thank you for 13 Amazing Years!

Blue Buddha To Close Its Doors – Shop While You Can!

For all blog posts related to our closing (including shipping and inventory updates) please see our “closing updates” blog category!

To the 28,000+ amazing customers, fans, designers, students, vendors, interns and friends who’ve helped make Blue Buddha a wonderful inspiration, I want to let you know we are scheduled to close our website and store this spring when our lease ends. Thank you for choosing to spend your hard-earned cash at Blue Buddha. I am grateful for every single one of you and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this such an amazing place to shop and work for the past 13 years.


Read on for details on what’s next as well as reasons for the closure. Share the news with your friends and feel free to leave comments and questions! And of course, head over to our online shop or our brick and mortar store while you still can!

What’s Next?


January will essentially be business as usual online and in the store. We won’t continue our weekly deals once the current deal ends, but other than that, you may not notice much difference. We’re still stocking inventory as normal; if you notice out-of-stocks, most of those will likely be replenished in February or early March (our anodizer is off the entire month of January, hence some anodized aluminum delays).

MaillersChoice-logoWe’ll have some new projects to release, including a birthstone project and our monthly Maillers’ Choice project. This is our final Maillers’ Choice; if you have a subscription to the Maillers’ Choice Club, by January 31, you’ll receive a store credit equal to the number of months left on your subscription (based on the per-month price for the particular subscription you have). If you’d like to use your credit before January 31, contact us via [email protected] or 866.702.5464 and we’ll issue your credit sooner.

If there’s a retired pattern, ring size or any other component you’d love for us to resurrect before we close, leave a comment below. We can’t bring back everything, but we’ll try to bring back a few customer favorites before our website closes!

If you come to our shop for Guided Learning, be sure to use your pre-purchased bundles this month, as we won’t have classes in February. If you don’t think you can use all your remaining classes, let us know as soon as possible and we’ll see what we can work out!


ONLINE: You’ll start to notice a slowdown in our releases. We’ll have one final kit & instructions release, Pirouette, by the end of the month. This will also be your last chance to purchase several kits/instructions through Blue Buddha by our guest designers, though we’ll continue to sell Rebeca Mojica designs and standard Blue Buddha tutorials in March and beyond in our Etsy shop.

UPDATE – Originally we planned on releasing Pirouette as our final kit in February. Instead, due to being FAR behind in orders and struggling with stock issues, we will be release Gaylemaille and Vipera Berus in March

If you are looking for specific supplies (sizes, colors, kits, etc) – be sure to purchase them before February ends! Once we start running out of product at this point, we likely will NOT be restocking.

IN SHOP: No classes will be held in February. We’ll mark down supply items in the shop, with increasing discounts as the month progresses. (Note that artisan items will NOT be marked down.) On Friday, February 26, we’re having a party/celebration – stop on by to say good-bye, grab some GREAT deals on miscellaneous inventory and toast the future with us. Check out the Facebook event for our closing party to RSVP and for more details. The final day of our retail shop is Sunday, February 28.

IN TUCSON: Rebeca’s teaching several classes at the Tucson Bead Show. This will be the final show for customers to place pickup orders for Blue Buddha merchandise! Use code TUCSON2016 to get 10% off your total order for pickup during the show.


Beginning March 1, all sales are final. Please make your selections carefully as we will no longer accept returns or exchanges for items purchased March 1 or later!

spiderchainIn March, Blue Buddha’s rubber ring line will be transferred to Spiderchain.com. I’ll be working closely with Spider during the transition. We’re excited that the rubber rings have found a new, great home!


The final day of Internet sales via BlueBuddhaBoutique.com is Sunday, April 10. We may have some inventory left over that will continue to be sold on Etsy or elsewhere, but we do not guarantee it.
All gift certificates MUST be redeemed by Sunday, April 10.
We recommend using your gift certificates sooner rather than later—if you wait too long, the pickings will be slim.

May, June & Beyond

After our website shuts down, I’ll likely continue to sell a few instructions and the occasional kit/other project in our Etsy shop, and I’ll relaunch (and actually have time to update!) rebecamojica.com

I’ll release Pirouette and colorful Rondo a la Byzantine during the summer.

Note that B3 gift certificates are not valid for Etsy purchases or rebecamojica.com purchases; make sure to use your gift certificates on bluebuddhaboutique.com before April 10, or in-store before February 28.

I’ll still be around teaching (check out my classes at Bead Fest!) and hope to have time to release video tutorials as well. I would love to revitalize Blue Buddha at some point and bring it back in a different format or take the business in a new direction. I’ll likely take a few months to clear my head and get some clarity on where I want to go next, but I’ll still be around and making maille for sure!

I’m also talking with Weave Got Maille about the possibility of doing something with them. I’m really impressed with their company and would be honored to work with them.

weave-got-maille-logoIf there are particular things you’d like to see me do (videos? book #2? other projects?), take a moment to leave a comment below. I’ll likely have a more detailed survey in the next couple months, too.

Why Now?

This obviously was not an easy decision to make; I’ve poured my heart and soul into this business for the last 13 years.


We accomplished a lot here at Blue Buddha. But I still had many, many visions of what I wanted to do and build, and of course it’s bittersweet that I won’t get to see certain things come to fruition.

I am a creative person at heart and over the past few years the demands of the business itself became all-consuming, taking me away from the creative side. Not only that, but for the past two years, I put more money into the business than I took out of it—which means I was paying in order to work!  I knew I was bringing joy to many customers all over the world, but at the same time, it was clear the business model wasn’t working overall.


Jump rings – when they work they are beautiful, I love them. But there’s a lot that can go wrong – from burrs to being slightly the wrong size, to poor coloring…and more.

For the past several years, we’ve spent an extraordinary amount of time and energy dealing with manufacturing issues. Due to my desire for ultra-high-quality rings, we focused on improving the consistency of our aluminum anodizing (we spoke with hundreds, yes hundreds, of companies to try to solve our issues… because, no, we don’t like it either when our gold is orange-hued or the red looks more like pink or there are pesky un-anodized splotches). We also wanted to keep our base metal rings sized the same across all metals to make it easier to mix and match, but we constantly – constantly! – encountered batches of rings that weren’t quite right: just a hair too big or small (likely due to temper issues with the wire), meaning that certain patterns wouldn’t work. Some of the vendors we use have 3- to 4-month turnaround times. Certain vendors increased our re-order amounts by so much, it became all but impossible for us to order from them unless we wanted inventory sitting around for the next 8 years. All of these issues combined led to a growing number of out-of-stocks, which meant we weren’t able to give our customers rings and kits.

Additionally, the labor required was intense. We’re too small a company to use automatic packing machines to make our kits, especially the customizable ones, so we use humans to label and pack everything. I love being surrounded by humans instead of robots. I also believe in paying a living wage and providing health insurance and paid time off … and the financial costs ultimately began to weigh heavy.

At the same time, online sales had been in steady decline; on some days this year our sales were about half of what they were in 2012. We cut staff yet still struggled to keep up with orders and all our initiatives. The entire crew at Blue Buddha was busting their butts to come up with amazing tutorials, new designs and interesting components, and we think we did create some great product lines, but the income they generated wasn’t enough.

All of these are issues that could and should be tackled, but I concluded that they weren’t issues that I wanted to work on. I’m a firm believer in sticking to my talents and working on things I’m already strong in. Which, for me, is the creative side. I realized I was great at building a business from nothing; we certainly reached $1 million in annual sales faster than I ever thought we would. But a completely different set of skills is required to maintain and grow a business from there. And those skills, I lack. So it is time to once again redirect my energy toward something I’m good at, and time for the staff of Blue Buddha to move on to other enterprises that also allow them to flourish.


I’m excited to create more pieces in the spirit of Poseidon’s Embrace. Pieces that challenge me as an artist and inspire folks all over the world to look at chainmaille in a new light.

Unlike when I started my business in 2002, there are now many, many chainmaille suppliers out there who create quality rings and kits. I’d love to partner with one or more of them to bring my designs to the crafting industry … to take the responsibility of sizing, burr-free and shiny rings, color matching, etc. and put it on the shoulders of someone capable of handing that, rather than onto my shoulders. That second book that everyone has been bugging me about for the past 5 years…? Yeah, I’d like to take some time to work on it (finally!) and find some suppliers to provide the rings needed to make the projects. The videos which I used to regularly make and now don’t have time to do? Yep, I’d like to fire those up again, too!

Blue Buddha has some fiercely loyal customers, and you can be sure that I’ll keep you in the loop and will provide you with recommended suppliers for various metals and components as we wind down.  You guys are the reason I started the business in the first place, and I’m looking forward to staying in touch and continuing to contribute to this industry.


A Final Personal Note

rebeca-at-beadbutton-2014-croppedThis has been a terrific journey for me. I’m excited about perhaps someday returning to take Blue Buddha on a new, different path. I want to keep doing things that inspire people. I want to continue making meaningful connections with other humans beings on this planet.

Honestly, I breathed a sigh of relief when I decided to close Blue Buddha for now. I’d spent so much of the past few years working longer hours than ever before, sacrificing time with friends and loved ones. I also stopped doing volunteer work and activism, which had been a big part of my life before and I sorely missed those activities. If I were spending my time at work doing what I loved (teaching and creating), I might have been able to hold off a bit longer … but by the end, I was spending my time on marketing and business strategy issues, and didn’t enjoy it. (Plus, you know, the whole not getting paid thing was pretty stinky!) It all took a toll. Over the summer my doctor told me in no uncertain terms, “Rebeca, you’ve got to take steps to reduce your stress level.” I paid attention to this and vowed to start thinking more of what I needed to do to take care of myself.

I now have the opportunity to start over, to work on some new projects, including a second book. I was approached by a company to work on a project (which I’m sworn to secrecy about for now) and I am more excited about this project than I have been about anything for a long time. I am eager to roll up my sleeves and get back to my craft table!

I offer a deep and sincere thank you to the thousands of you who have supported Blue Buddha in the past and those who now support me and all the members of the B3 crew as we continue down our life paths. Thanks to everyone I’ve met in person and those I met “virtually”—in particular, I’m touched by the many folks who opened their homes to me when I traveled, those who bought me dinner or gave me a ride, those who presented me with gifts of gratitude—I’m humbled by your generosity of spirit, and you are an inspiration to me.


One of the many handmade gifts I’ve been honored to receive from students and customers over the years. You guys are amazing.

More than anything, I will miss the team at Blue Buddha. Our current crew, plus everyone else who has ever worked with us—well, you are the best co-workers I’ve ever had, anywhere. I’m honored you chose to work at Blue Buddha. I thank you deeply and wish you much success as you move on to greater endeavors.

I love humanity and this planet, and look forward to finding new ways to make the world a better place.

Until we meet again – rock on!

RM-sig  rock-on