Show Off Your Maille: Thursday

Only two days left to participate in our “Show Off Your Maille” week.  There is a bunch of maille walking around our studio today!  Hope these pieces inspire you (and Jason’s constant readiness to mug for the camera makes you smile like it does us!)

Jason, Quality Control Specialist and Niobium Anodizer Extraordinaire:


Bracelet and pendant by Jen, our amazing Inventory Coordinator:


Necklace by our lovely General Operations Manager, Nadja:

And of course, Blue Buddha owner and founder Rebeca sporting a shaggy scales necklace and doubled Captive Inverted Round copper cuff with a patina:


Help us spread the addiction!  Wear your maille with pride this week and post pics of yourself in your maille to our wall on Facebook.  Tomorrow’s blog post will feature your photos!

Show Off Your Maille: Wednesday

It’s humpday of “Show Off Your Maille” week and it looks like the B3 team is getting more used to modeling their creations!  Enjoy these spunky pictures (complete with fist bump) of two of our order processing masters, Emily and Lisa.  BTW – this is Lisa’s SECOND appearance on the B3 blog for maille week – she’s rocking out on showing off!


Help us spread the addiction!  Wear your maille with pride this week and post pics of yourself in your maille to our wall on Facebook.  Friday’s blog post will feature your photos!

Show Off Your Maille: Tuesday

It’s the second day of “Show Off Your Maille” week and the pretties walking around our studio today are all by are lovely customer service gal, Aimee.  Yep, not only did she make the two piece she’s wearing today, but she also crafted the bracelet our shipping guru Erik is sporting.

Aimee’s beautiful necklace and bracelet:



Erik’s bracelet (by Aimee!):



Help us spread the addiction!  Wear your maille with pride this week and post pics of yourself in your maille to our wall on Facebook.  Friday’s blog post will feature your photos!

Show Off Your Maille: Monday

We have declared this week “Show Off Your Maille” week.  Each day, we’ll be wearing some of our favorite pieces of maille (made by us and others) and posting pics of what we wore to work here on our blog.  Today’s pics feature two of our amazing order processors, Lisa and Artie.  Both of them are super-crafty in so many ways – it’s not surprising each of these pieces were made by them.

Lisa’s Sterling Silver, European 4-1 Bracelet with Indian clasp:


Artie’s awesome wallet chain:

Help us spread the addiction!  Wear your maille with pride this week and post pics of yourself in your maille to our wall on Facebook.  Friday’s blog post will feature your photos!

Show us your Maille!

We have officially named next week as, “Show Off Your Maille Week”.  The entire B3 team is planning to wear our favorite chainmaille pieces (made by us or others) to work everyday.  We’ll post photos to our blog each day, showing off what we wore.

Help us in our quest to increase chainmaille awareness by donning your favorite pieces every day next week.  Post photos of yourself wearing your favorite pieces to our wall on Facebook.  We’ll make one final blog post at the end of the week that will feature some of your pictures!  The more people see maille, the more they’ll want to make it so help us spread the addiction….er…..LOVE for the craft! *wink*

Show us your Maille!