“Celtic Spikes Bracelet” in the newest issue of Step-by-Step Wire Jewelry!

Don’t miss Rebeca’s “Celtic Spikes Bracelet” in the February/March issue of Step-by-Step Wire Jewelry.  Inspired by her love of spiked jewelry, this project is a fun spin on Celtic Visions that lots of people will love to wear.  Kits for this project are now available on our site and we will have copies of the magazine available for purchase soon.  Have fun making this project and be sure to share what you create with us on our page on Facebook!

Psst…the next issue of Step-by-Step Wire Jewelry will have the project instructions for Rebeca’s pendant variation of this weave!  We’ll be offering kits for this project as well in packs of 4* that will allow you to make each pendant unique!

*oops! We wrote earlier that these would be sold in packs of 2 and 12.  Sorry for the error – those pack sizes are for ANOTHER kit we have coming out soon – chainmaille party still on :)

And the Mailler of the Year 2011 is …

The winners of our Featured Product of the Month Contests for 2011 went head to head for the title, you voted and the winner is ….

Marge H. with her piece Edwardian Splendor!

Marge was an active participant in the contest each month and had lots of awesome creations.  She is also a very involved member of our community on Facebook, always offering a fun comment, encouraging word or bit of advice when she can.  While your voting was based purely on her talent as a chainmailler, we have to say that we’re especially happy to award this to her based on all those merits as well.

We also want to take a moment to acknowledge the other finalists.  It was an incredibly close call and we attribute that to your enormous talents.  Thanks so much for inspiring us all in 2011, we can’t wait to see what you create in 2012.


As Mailler of the Year, Marge earns our grand prize of a $100 B3 gift certificate and of course, bragging rights for the year *wink*.  To earn a spot as a finalist for 2012 Mailler of the Year, submit a piece to one of our Featured Product of the Month contests We post details on our blog at the beginning of each month, so stay tuned!


Introducing Seasonal Kits!

We have so many new project kits and instructions slated for 2012 (a few sneak previews below) so, to make room for the new kits we are developing with our “By Artists for Artists” project designers, we are making some of our kits seasonal.  (But Blue Buddha instructions will continue to be available year-round.) We are starting with our winter/holiday-inspired kits: Holiday Ornament, Wrapped Ornament and the Winter Pendant.  On January 18th, we will pack them away until September 1st (still allowing plenty of time for you to make them for the holidays *grin*.)  This is your last call to scoop them up before the fall!

We are also planning to discontinue several kits next month (mailing list subscribers should look out for a special sale of these kits *hint hint*.)  For both our seasonal and discontinued kits, you will still be able to purchase B3 instructions on our website year-round.  We will provide you with a shopping list—to be found where you can now view Ring Sizes used in each project—to help guide you and make sure you get everything you need to complete the project.  These changes are the very beginning of a complete overhaul to our kits and instructions section that will allow for more flexible shopping (and more customization options) as well as the ability for us to integrate our project instructions with kits, supplies, classes, and more.  We are really excited to work on these updates and provide you with an even more well-rounded chainmaille learning experience.

So it’s “goodbye for now” for some of our kits…but get ready to say hello to the projects below and many more this year.

Change to Combo Order processing as of Jan. 9, 2012

After many long conversations, much number-crunching and several debates, we have finally comes to terms with the fact the combining customer orders free of charge is actually hurting our business.  We have always combined orders placed by the same customer within a short amount of time from one another.  Back when Blue Buddha was a one-woman show and Rebeca was receiving about 4 orders per day, it made sense to offer this service on-the-house — it was just one of those “treat others how you’d like to be treated” customer service choices that was easy for Rebeca to accommodate.

This special touch was something that we kept doing, even as the company grew from Rebeca’s spare bedroom to the ever-expanding small business it is now.  We even had our database developer create special back-end tools to notify us of possible combo orders and reinvented the procedure over and over to streamline it for as long as we could.  The truth is however, that what was once an easy thing for Rebeca to do for her small customer base now can take hours a day due to our increased order volume and an increase in the number of customers who place combo orders.  When our customer service folks are spending so much time sending refunds and processing combo orders, everyone’s orders are delayed.  We knew something had to change.

When we began addressing this issue, we knew right off the bat that eliminating this service altogether was not an option.  It just doesn’t make sense for people to have to pay for shipping two or three times just because they forgot something (plus, it’s not very Eco-friendly to pack these orders separately, print separate labels for them and potentially have them each be carried by different mail trucks!)  It was easy to cross that option off the list.  However, knowing the process was hurting the business and yet wanting to keep it in place put us between a rock and a hard place.

We finally came to the resolution that we would charge a small fee for the convenience of combining orders.  While we dislike charging our customers more money, it seems like the best compromise we can strike.  Basically, for every order that we combine with your original order, we will continue to reimburse your extra shipping minus the $3 convenience fee (updated 3/4/13).  This still saves you money (and helps save the environment) but it should also go a long way to help make up for the time we spend processing these kinds of orders.  And it should speed up the order process for everyone (if we need to hire extra hands to handle combo orders, the fees will take care of that, rather than us needing to overwork our current staff.)

We are also working on creating tools that should help make your ordering process more organized, including customer accounts (which allow you to browse past orders) and wishlists to save and share.  We know what it’s like to click submit and suddenly realize you forgot something for your project and we hope that these new tools will help to prevent that from happening.  And if it still does, you can rest assured we’ll be able to add it to your original order (in most cases) for a relatively small fee.

These kinds of decisions and changes are bound to come up in a growing business (the processes that made sense years ago just can’t keep up with what the company is today) but know that we will always approach these decisions with that same “treat others as you’d like to be treated” mentality that has gotten us where we are today.  We hope you understand why we had to make this change and welcome your feedback about it and how we might better be able to help you during the ordering process so you get everything you need in your original order.