New Jewelry Kits/Instructions + Supply Shopping Lists for Discontinued Kits

Scale Barrette chainmaille project


As promised, we have begun releasing the first of many new project instructions and kits for 2012.  Last week, we released our first hair accessory kit, “Scale Barrette” by Omni Mee.  Omni has long been an ambassador for B3 and we are so excited to be releasing his project.  We’ve already gotten such great feedback about the design and we can’t wait for you guys to get your pliers on these kits.  (Warning: These cute flowers are kindof addicting – you may end up making enough to wear a new one every day *wink*.)

Elfweave Braid chainmialle project


In the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing two highly anticipated projects created by Rebeca. We’ve been sharing some sneak peeks of her Elfweave Braid project on our page on Facebook and people are excited to get their hands on this new weave.  Following the release of Elfweave Braid, we will also release a supplementary variations tutorial with ideas and quick tips for adapting this weave into 4 more projects.


Beaded Gridlock Byzantine chainmaille project


This month we will also introduce Rebeca’s Beaded Gridlock Byzantine tutorial and kit.  We’ve been teasing this advanced-level project for a while and have been working hard to perfect the instructions – it’s a tricky one!  We’ve got it just right now though and can’t wait to release it later this month.


Kit Supply Lists

Click for a larger view.


With all these new kit releases comes a need to make some room in our inventory.  We are discontinuing a handful of older kits (don’t worry, we’re still selling the instructions!) and instead offering complete supply lists for these projects.  You can get a preview of what this looks like by visiting any of our FREE tutorial pages or by clicking the image to the left.  You’ll notice a new image that indicates the project is instructions only (clicking the image will still take you to a larger image of the project itself so you can see what you’re getting.)  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see a list of all the B3 packs and findings you’ll need to complete the project.


As we create more and more projects and revamp the kits section of our website to be more project and class-oriented, you will begin to see more flexible shopping options like this one.  We’ll still carry kits for many projects, but we’ll also include these shopping lists and even class listings for the project right there on the page.  Eventually, we will allow you to add the packs listed in the supply list directly to your cart from the project page and are working on a tool that will add notes to your receipt about what project that pack is used for (we’ve all been in that position of receiving our rings and wondering, “What the heck was I gonna do with these?”)  As we make this transition, we encourage you to share you ideas and feedback about the shopping experience.  We are excited about improving this section of the website and hope you’ll love the final outcome as much as we think you will!


Congratulations to February’s Featured Product Contest Winner!

Voting for February’s Featured Product of the Month contest is officially closed and the winner as chosen by you is……


Chrys M. with their “Deluxe Tarzan Bracelet”!

Congratulations, Chrys! Your creativity has earned you a B3 gift certificate for $25! To claim your prize, please send an email to [email protected].


Thanks to all our February contest participants. We are currently accepting submissions for March’s contest. Create something using our size O18 rings – any metal – for your chance to win!

Happy Weaving!

Featured Product of the Month Contest – March 2012

March’s featured product will be our size O18 jump rings – any metal.  For March, we are upping the creative ante and challenging you to create a project using one of our more obscure sizes.  We do not currently have a weave samples post for this size so you’re working without a net*!  (We know you can handle it though *wink*.)

But wait, there’s more!  We have added a special place on each submission form for you to opt in to add your weave suggestion to our first ever fan-sourced weave samples post.  We figure we have some of the most creative customers around, so why not make a place to permanently share your suggestions as a resource to everyone!

*Okay, so Rebeca couldn’t help but offer a few helpful hints!  She says, “O18 is used in Jacob’s DNA ladder for the outer rings.  It’s also great for high AR stuff like Half Persian 6-in-1.  Oh!  And it’s good as large rings in Japanese (connected with D20) for a quick-to-put together, light and airy piece.” 


*NOTE: the submission process changed as of January 2012*

Make a project which primarily uses our featured product. The project can most definitely use other rings and components, but the featured product should really be the star of the piece. Please see the complete rules and details below for more information about qualifications.

Take a picture of your project and submit it using our official Featured Product Contest form (link below.) You may post the piece online somewhere and provide us with a link, or upload it directly in the form. You will be asked to provide your name and an email address we can use to contact you in case anything goes wrong with your submission—or if you are the winner of the contest!


Submissions are closed at midnight CT on 15th of every month and are limited to 2 per person.

Get Votes! Submissions will close on the 15th of each month at which point the B3 Staff will choose our favorites. The top entries will be eligible for voting through a survey which we will post to our blog. If you are one of the finalists, feel free to share the link with friends via email, Facebook, Twitter or any other means.

Voting will close on the last day of the month.


We will award the top voted finalist each month with a $25 B3 Gift Certificate and will feature YOUR project in a special blog post and possibly even future B3 ads to inspire fellow chainmaillers all over the world.

Complete contest rules and details: Submissions are limited to 2 per person and must use the featured product of the month as determined by Blue Buddha Boutique. The project is not required to be made from Blue Buddha Boutique rings, however any winning projects that use primarily rings from another supplier or rings made by the artist will not be eligible for posting on our blog or use in our ads to prevent false advertising. Pieces do not have to be specially created for the contest but should be no more than 12 months old. Current employees and interns of Blue Buddha Boutique are not eligible for this contest. Finalists are chosen by Blue Buddha Boutique and voted upon anonymously by the public to determine a winner. Submissions may be disqualified at the discretion of Blue Buddha Boutique if they are deemed inappropriate in any way. If a winner does not claim their prize within 15 days of notification, the second place winner will be awarded the prize.

Teaching assistant needed for Bead&Button class!

Attention Milwaukee-area chainmaillers!

Rebeca is looking for an assistant for one of her sold-out classes at the Bead&Button Show.  The class is for her Tapered Mobius necklace.  It is an intermediate level class so we are looking for someone who works at an upper-intermediate or advanced level.  Date, time and location for the class is as follows:

Tapered Mobius NecklaceTapered Mobius Necklace
3 hours
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Frontier Airlines Center
Milwaukee, WI

It is a paying gig!  If you are interested, please contact [email protected]. Be sure to outline your qualifications (previous teaching experience in any field is preferred, but not required).  Attach images or include links to your chainmaille work. At least one image should be close enough to show your craftsmanship (the quality of your closures, etc).

If you are selected, you must be able to provide your own transportation to the class (so you don’t have to be from Milwaukee, but it certainly helps!).  You will also receive a free kit in the colors of your choosing, to make the project well in advance of class. You’ll also need to meet with Rebeca (a phone call or Skype conversation is perfectly fine) to review the class outline and go over common troubleshooting issues.

Vote for March’s “Maillers’ Choice” kit!

B3’s Maillers’ Choice Kit continues to be a hit!
This month you’ll customize yet another one-time only kit for our Shaggy Loops necklace project – inspired by Rebeca Mojica’s “Fringe” collection of finished jewelry.

For March, you’ll be customizing a one-time-only kit for a chunky Shaggy Loops Necklace, inspired by Rebeca’s new Fringe Collection of jewelry. Just like last month’s Shaggy Scales Earrings kit, this kit is being created especially for “Maillers’ Choice” and is not regularly available on our website.

Voting for the Maillers’ Choice kit starts today and closes on the 10th. Your top-voted combination will be made into kits and released on our website on the 15th.

We had such an overwhelmingly positive response to the 12-Hour Sale last month that we will again release the Maillers’ Choice kit for a 12 hour period – no limit on the number! Make sure you’re on our mailing list to receive updates on when exactly the kit will be released so you don’t miss you chance to buy.