Happy New Year, Everyone!

2020: The Year Of Creativity, Connection & Kindness


rebeca-mojica-creative-guruI’d like to take a quick moment to wish you all a very happy 2020!

I’m not one to make resolutions, but I do make plans. As I was working on my plans for this year, I realized they were centered around three things: creativity, connection and kindness.

This feels like a “coming home” of sorts. These values have always been who I am … but I haven’t made it a priority to focus on them (which is a whole other blog post for another time).

I had a moment of reflection a few weeks back when I said “yes” to a project, and the reason I said yes was 100% because of the money. I instantly regretted it. It was at that moment that I vowed to never again in my life say yes solely for money. I realize that if a project isn’t going to be fulfilling for me in some way, no amount of money will make me feel good about doing the job. And it will only serve to pull me away from my life’s path.

I spent most of my freetime during December meditating and centering myself. During my holiday show season, I realized that since I connect best with people in person, I pretty much “gave up” on trying to build connections with customers once the retail shop closed down. Which is just silly! We live in the age of technology, and I certainly connected with so many of you before we had a retail store. So, I’m going to make it a point to *ahem* “figure out social media” 🤣, build connections and share ideas, inspiration and moments of kindness with you all.

I’ll be writing a lot more and creating content on other platforms and via other media (webinars and videos, I’m lookin’ at you!). I’m most excited to take part in a few Creative Challenges that I’m developing this year. I hope you’ll join me for someor all!of them, and I hope you’ll be inspired to reach out and share what you’ve been making.

I wish you success, the best health possible, and much happiness in 2020!



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5 years 2 months ago

Please figure out social media! I miss you, your chainmaille and your dead lifts. 😉

Cara Chapel
5 years 2 months ago

We haven’t been close, but I’ve always felt a very cordial rapport with you when we interacted. :-) It’ll be nice to see your posts more frequently! I post things I’m making on my Instagram; can’t seem to post anything here. 😉 Hope to see you there!