Tell Me What You Think For A Chance To Win A Free Book!

Let Me Know What I Can Do That Would Help You Most, And You Could Win A Copy Of Kat Wisniewski’s Book New Connections

New Connections by Kat Wisniewski

UPDATE: Winner selected. Congrats Deborah B of Houston TX!

I recently reviewed Kat Wisniewski’s first book, New Connections In Chain Mail Jewelry With Rubber and Glass Rings. When I placed my order for her book, little did I know that Kat was planning on sending me a complimentary copy! So I received 2 copies, and I’m honored to share one of them with you – especially since you’ve all been SO patient with my long delay in publishing my recommended chainmaille suppliers post (coming within a week, I promise!).

As I move forward with the next chapter of Blue Buddha, I’d like some input from you. I want to make sure I’m doing things YOU are interested in – and I figured a good way to find out what those things are, is to ask. :-)

Please take a moment to consider some of the items below, and let me know what you think in the comments section (or complete an online survey). One commenter chosen at random will receive a FREE copy of Kat Wisniewski’s book. I can ship the book worldwide. (Because I’d love to hear from chainmaille fans in all parts of the world!) Post your comment, or complete the survey, by end of day Sunday July 17, as the winner will be selected on Monday July 18.

What’s Next For Sure and For Maybe

In all honestly, I’m looking for ways to continue to share my knowledge with you, and at the same time, to monetize my skills. I love chainmaille, but love alone doesn’t feed me, heh.  I am eager to hear from you about what you’d like to see me do, and also, what you’re willing to pay for. Because if you aren’t willing to pay for certain things, that’s important for me to know. I’d rather turn chainmaille back into a hobby, have fun with it on my own time and nix the website completely, than pour my efforts into making something that either no one wants, or no one will pay for.

The things that are keeping me busy right now include:

  • * “downgrading” to a sole proprietorship and tying up loose ends from corporate B3 (etsymore time-consuming than I’d expected!)
  • * reviving Blue Buddha’s Etsy shop – adding more instructions as well as posting the remaining project samples which we didn’t liquidate during our in-person clearance sales
  • * creating a Rebeca Mojica Etsy shop and updating, including adding a TON of sale jewelry–prototypes, leftovers from book and magazine projects, and discontinued designs
  • * preparing for Bead Fest Summer 2016 and releasing kits/tutorials for colorful Rondo a la Byzantine and Pirouette in August/September
    * working on my über secret project !!! (to be announced in 2017)
  • * my secret project is keeping me mostly busy these days, but once things settle a bit, I’ll start working on a sequel to CHAINED

Below are additional things I’m planning or considering doing — and here’s where I’d like your input. What sounds good and exciting to you? What aren’t you interested in? Do any of my attempts to make money doing this stuff rub you the wrong way? What other ideas/suggestions do you have?

  • * creating video tutorials for projects – Perhaps I could offer some easy projects or tips for free. Longer, more extensive projects would be paid content. Or I could set up a Patreon account and offer additional content and perks to Patreon supporters.
  • * working with chainmaille suppliers to release kits for some of my designs – If this is something you’d be interested in, let me know what kits, or what types of kits, you’re most likely to purchase. I would likely receive a flat fee from the supplier per project, or a commission for each kit that sells.
  • * becoming an Amazon Associate by providing links to products I like and recommend – If folks use my Amazon links (like the ones in this blog post) to make purchases, I’ll earn a small commission on those purchases. I’d be interested in being affiliates for specific crafting companies that I believe in as well.
  • * reviewing books, videos and products in the chainmaille industry – these don’t make any money in and of themselves, but I could provide Amazon Associate (or other affiliate) links and receive a kickback for purchases.
  • * providing coupons, information and/or promotions for other vendors -Though the B3 blog, social media and newsletter, I’d love to share information and promotions from other chainmaille suppliers and possibly even other vendors that are a good fit with most of my audience. I’d receive a kickback from the vendors for purchases made using the coupon codes I provide.
  • * purging email addresses from our mailing list – I never plan on selling the Blue Buddha mailing list, but right now it costs $1,000/year to maintain. So clearly, I’ve got to do some changes: purging the email addresses of the folks who haven’t opened any of the past 4 mailings and figuring out how to make the newsletter worthwhile if I’m not selling products. The previous 2 bullet points (coupons/reviews) would be one way to make the newsletter more viable.
  • * makI-Heart-Mailleing the occasional T-shirt – Remember our I [pliers] Chainmaille T-shirt? We had a few runner ups to this design that folks were interested in, and we never made them. Plus I have other ideas floating around (like one based off my I <3 Maille badge, a Weapons of Craft Creation shirt, and more)
  • * offering paid online classes and webinars – I’d be really excited to do this, but I think teaching chainmaille remotely is difficult for my teaching style. So I’m not sure how much of this I’d do. I would love to do a webinar on Aspect Ratio, though!
  • * having a generic “donate” button – Once I bring back all the useful charts/widgets and data that our website used to have, I’ve considered having a PayPal button where someone could send me a buck (or however much they wanted) if they felt like the information was helpful. The website would continue to host free content, and no one would ever be under any obligation to donate. But for those who had the means to contribute, and who wanted to, would be able to.

What do you think? Do you have other ideas? How can I help you? Leave your comments below or complete the online survey for a chance to win a copy of New Connections In Chain Mail Jewelry With Rubber and Glass Rings by Kat Wisniewski.

  • Thanks so much for any feedback you have. If you prefer to respond via email, please send an email to [email protected]. You’ll be included in the drawing for a free book as well!

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46 Comments on "Tell Me What You Think For A Chance To Win A Free Book!"

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7 years 8 months ago

Always love to see FRESH NEW GREAT IDEAS. Really helps get my brain going sometimes! THANK YOU!

8 years 6 months ago

I would love to see some more online tutorials. I like to watch them as I work

8 years 6 months ago

I’d still be struggling with armor if I hadn’t found B3. I have tons of tutorials, should have snagged more on closing day. I too, miss the emails and the videos. I miss the commitment of an Artist to our craft. I know you want to do something new. I’ll always stay up to date with your current adventures. I have two tshirts, I’d love a zip up hoodie to work in. I’d also ABSOLUTELY attend a webinar on AR.

8 years 6 months ago

Gosh video tutorials would be awesome. Actually seeing you work in person on the weaves is such a confidence booster and I know several people (including me) who are very visual in nature and prefer seeing as it is done.

Wow a follow-up to Chained is so cool, I can’t wait!

Jeri Rohl
8 years 6 months ago

LOVED your first book. I hope you write another one!