Recommended Supplier Lists Still To Come!

We are still planning on recommending suppliers … though the posts will likely come after we close

Since we’re getting more and more requests from people wondering about suppliers, I wanted to let you all know that I am still planning on doing a “recommended suppliers” list for as many items as possible. However, this won’t happen until several weeks after the last order has shipped–there’s just too much we have to do to wind down the business in the meantime.

I’d encourage any of our fans to leave a comment with some of your own recommended suppliers, to give folks a starting place. :-)

Also – at this point I’m not 100% sure what will happen to the website when we close. I’d planned on placing instructions and some new kits on Etsy, but I may need to take down all Blue Buddha items everywhere and shut down the business completely. :-( Believe me, I’m not happy about this either. But whether I do the recommended suppliers post here at B3 or over at (or a different website entirely), I will definitely create this post!

Also, our mailing list is not for sale

And to all the spammers who keep emailing me asking how much I want for my mailing list — it’s not for sale. Not today, not ever.

Sure, I’m considering finding ways to monetize the mailing list by sponsored content from companies that have products I like and I think B3 fans would be interested in … but I have no intention of selling my customers emails.  The frequencies of emails will definitely decrease. (Our mailing list is so big the annual fee is more than $1,000. There’s no way I can afford that after downsizing). I’d still love to send an email or two to per year to keep you updated on what I’m up to – but I’ll likely use Instagram or Facebook or some other social media as my preferred method to reach folks. (If you have a favorite place to hang, let me know!)

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8 years 10 months ago

I hope you can leave the website up for at least a couple of weeks. You have some helpful information on your site and blogs that I am trying to make note of before it disappears. I will check your website and Facebook for more information later. Thank you for all the good work you have done.