We Guarantee You Can Succeed in Making Beautiful Jewelry
Over the past decade, countless chainmaillers have told us:
“Blue Buddha Boutique instructions are the best!”
“I couldn’t understand this weave until I tried it with your instructions!”
“Your photographs are so clear!”
Since Day 1, I’ve tried to create instructions that are crystal clear. We have a very rigorous tutorial creation process and we’re always improving. And so it is finally time for our big announcement…
We’re so confident that our chainmaille tutorials are the best that we now offer no-risk purchasing. Buy any standard Blue Buddha Boutique kit with instructions and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If for any reason you cannot assemble our kit following our instructions, let us know and we’ll credit your account.
Look for this icon to indicate that your kit/instructions qualify for our Blue Buddha guarantee. Beta versions of instructions (a.k.a. “sale” instructions), free instructions, variation tutorials and a few other items aren’t eligible. See the fine print of our guarantee for full details.
This type of guarantee is unprecedented in the chainmaille industry (and maybe even in the jewelry-making industry!) and we’re excited to offer this to you. It’s something we’ve wanted to do for a long time. Some people have told me that I’m crazy for doing it, but we are so sure of our instructions that we’re putting our money where our mouth is.
Now, it’s true that not everyone learns the same way. So our instructions aren’t going to be right for a small percentage of the population. And that’s fine—our guarantee means that if you try it and discover our instructions aren’t for you, you can still purchase something else, and you haven’t lost anything except a little bit of time. And for those who love our instructions or have always wanted to try them, now you can buy them with 100% confidence.
So what are you waiting for? Go get some projects, and tackle them with the full understanding that you can do it! Because you’ve got Blue Buddha backing you up.

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