Happy Valentine’s Day!

We’re a warm and fuzzy bunch of people here at B3. Over the past few years on Valentine’s Day, we’ve used this space to profess our love for our pets and our creative outlets. This year? We wanted to share some little love notes to the things that inspire us ♥ Whether it is a book, song, poem, movie, band, etc., we’re sharing what has touched us in a way that continues to ring true to us day after day. Read below for more on what we LOVE.

aimee-1Aimee Leangimage
What do you love?
Metal wire, mostly round, in all different types of metals and gauges.
Is this a new love or a long-term relationship?LTR for over 10 years.
A little love note:Thanks to wire for allowing me the pleasure to wrap it. It pretty much always bends to my will!


erika_wattErika Watt
What do you love? Photography erika_photo
Is this a new love or a long-term relationship? Circa 1970-blah, when I was allowed to take a picture with the family camera (an out-of-focus, crooked picture of my grandfather, sitting on our sofa).
A little love note: Dear Photography, Thank you for your enhancement over time. You make it possible to capture a moment in time that we can share over & over again. You translate information, preserve history & help us share imagery to loved ones near and far. Keep up the good work! You have a great more story to tell. Love, a devoted follower, /e


katKat Wisniewski
What do you love? Cafe Bustelo espresso-roast coffee kat_bustello
Is this a new love or a long-term relationship? Hmmm.. maybe since 2009 or so?
A little love note: Dear Bustelo, you start my day every morning and help my productivity. I need you so much and cannot see my life without you. You are my best friend, confidant, and I love the way you make me feel all warm and happy inside. Since, you know I’m a morning person, I appreciate your support and wonderful flavor to help jump start each and every day. I’ll never leave your side. Your one and only love for life – Kat

jenna2011Jenna Deidel
What do you love?
 “The Collaborative Habit” by Twyla Tharpjenna_twyla
Is this a new love or a long-term relationship? A little bit of both. I originally fell in love with her first book, “The Creative Habit” (which I still adore). This book came out later as a follow-up and really spoke to me so I guess I fell in love all over again :)
A little love note: Dear Twyla, “The Collaborative Habit” really spoke to me. I have never identified with the image of the artist as an island and believe deeply that true collaborations are a sign of strength, not weakness, and usually lead to a stronger result than could have ever been achieved alone. Your book helped me and my co-founders to create our non-profit, Audible Odyssey and we have since been able to bring people in our tap dance community together in new ways that make everyone better at what they do. ♥ j


rebeca-sm-326x387Rebeca Mojica
What do you love? Fractals rebeca_fractal
Is this a new love or a long-term relationship? I’ve adored fractals ever since I starting learning about them in 2001.
A little love note: Dear Fractals, You never cease to amaze me with your infinite permutations. You are everywhere I look, from the clouds to forests to beaches to cell phones and even within my own body. I get goosebumps if I think about you for too long. You are aesthetic, elegant, harmonious and without you, life as we know it would not exist.


JasonJason ScerenaA_F_JasonBook
What do you love? “Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards of Artmaking” by David Bayles and Ted Orland
Is this a new love or a long-term relationship? It’s been 20 years since it was published, but we only just met last year. 
A little love note: Dear A&F, Thank you for putting into perspective the negative feelings I have about creating. It’s good to know that I’m not alone. You made me realize that to require perfection is to invite paralysis and talent is no substitute for practice.


Know who else we love? Our customers. Every day, we are reminded that you’re the best. Your repeat business, shared creativity, and kind words make us feel loved all year long. From B3 to all of you — Happy Valentine’s Day!

What inspires you? Leave your love notes

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Mary Squire
10 years 8 months ago

What do I love? Blue Buddha Boutique
Is this a new love or a long-term relationship? I think it’s pretty serious…looks like I’m in it for the long haul.
A little love note:
Roses are red
Buddhas are blue
B3 is the best and…
…And the world must know too!