Vote to customize October’s “Maillers’ Choice” kit!

B3’s “Maillers’ Choice” kit continues to be a hit! So much so that, in order to make sure our inventory can keep up with the popularity of these kits, we have bumped up voting by a month. Below you can vote for the kit we will release in October.

Get a sneak peek of September’s kit,”Duplicate Duets”, in the winning color combination (releasing on the 17th) by visiting our page on Facebook.

Coiled Crystals Bracelet

For October, we’re bringing a little bling to the “Maillers’ Choice” kit!  We invite you to customize our “Coiled Crystals” kit – one of our favorites made even better with anodized rings as the coils (yep, that is special just for “Maillers’ Choice” *wink*.)  Click the button below to select your favorite crystal color as well as a coordinating “coiling” color to make this kit shine.

We will release this kit mid-October in a 12-hour sale starting at noon CT. Make sure to join our mailing list for reminders about the sale and a link to the kit as soon as it is available. Plus! Save the date for September’s kit release coming up on the 17th!

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3 Comments on "Vote to customize October’s “Maillers’ Choice” kit!"

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12 years 6 months ago

This is a nice weave. It would be nice if there was a way to move the materials next to one another so you could see how they would look like together. Sometimes the unusual colors that you may not combine actually make a stunning piece.

12 years 6 months ago

be nice to have the rings alongside the beads for easy comparison.