Show Off Your Maille: Thursday

Only two days left to participate in our “Show Off Your Maille” week.  There is a bunch of maille walking around our studio today!  Hope these pieces inspire you (and Jason’s constant readiness to mug for the camera makes you smile like it does us!)

Jason, Quality Control Specialist and Niobium Anodizer Extraordinaire:


Bracelet and pendant by Jen, our amazing Inventory Coordinator:


Necklace by our lovely General Operations Manager, Nadja:

And of course, Blue Buddha owner and founder Rebeca sporting a shaggy scales necklace and doubled Captive Inverted Round copper cuff with a patina:


Help us spread the addiction!  Wear your maille with pride this week and post pics of yourself in your maille to our wall on Facebook.  Tomorrow’s blog post will feature your photos!

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3 Comments on "Show Off Your Maille: Thursday"

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13 years 1 month ago

Are patterns/kits available for these? Especially the necklace by Nadja.

13 years 1 month ago

I love that all of the pieces you guys have featured this week, have been easy to wear pieces that can be worn every day! Love your site! Keep up the great work!