Tell us what you think!

It’s true, we’re already knee deep in planning and prepping for The Bead&Button Show 2012 (crazy, right?!)  Part of this planning involves looking at customer feedback and making changes to improve customer satisfaction and experience at our booth.  One area that is always a bit tricky for us to navigate is the customization of our kits at shows.  The limitations put on us by the fact that (as much as we might want to be able to) we can’t tote our entire inventory around the country also puts limitations on some of our most popular kits such as Glass Caterpillar, Bicubix Blocks, and many more.

That’s where you come in.  We want to know how you feel about being able to customize products at shows (you don’t have to be a Bead&Button Show aficionado to answer the survey) and get some of your feedback on our ideas for future solutions to our limitations.  Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts – we sincerely appreciate your feedback and can’t wait to come up with just the right way to provide these products to you at shows.


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13 years 6 months ago

I ADORE your kits! For me, it’s more about learning the weave at first – customization, although a stellar treat – is secondary to me. If I enjoy the weave (and I usually do! LOL), then I’ll come back and order the components separately so I can customize them (and make lots more!) that way.

13 years 6 months ago

I’ve purchased both of these kits and have made several of each. They are very popular.