B3 Staff “Retreat” Today!

We just wanted to give you all a heads up that we are having our staff “retreat” this afternoon.  As of about 1pm, we will be away from the studio and unable to take calls or answer emails.  Things will be back to normal tomorrow morning and we’re sorry for any inconvenience this causes for you.  It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to do a real team building retreat and with so many new employees added this year, we think it’s important to take the time to stop and really get to know one another to help us work better together.

We mentioned on Facebook a week or so ago that we were going to be having a talent show as part of this team building experience – we’ll do our best to show you guys some of the talents that our employees show off via video (with their permission of course!)  We are also using some personality tests this year to help us gain some insight into how best to communicate to the people we work with.  It’s bound to be very interesting and I can’t wait to learn more about some of my fellow staff members that I don’t know so well.

We also did a Muppet personality quiz just for fun and we thought we’d share our results with you as well as encourage you to take it and find our your Muppet personality (note, our team member Samm had not yet taken the quiz when we made this chart so he sadly is not accounted for).  Check out the B3 team breakdown (clicking on the picture will open a larger version), then follow the link below to take the quiz.  Post your Muppet type in the comments section, post it on our page on facebook or tweet it to us twitter.

The Muppet Personality Quiz

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3 Comments on "B3 Staff “Retreat” Today!"

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13 years 7 months ago

Heh – seems like you guys would fit right in with our crew. But then again, I think we already knew that. :-)

13 years 7 months ago

LOL I’m animal!! I scored 80 and 80.

13 years 7 months ago


You scored 67 Mood and 57 Energy!
You are cheery, energetic and achievement oriented. You are a hard worker and you are proud of your accomplishments.

I’ll buy that. But I secretly have a crush on animal. :)