Making the world better one good deed at a time

I did my good deed for the day.  I can’t go into detail without perhaps painting a competitor in a bad light, so I won’t.  Suffice it to say, I did something that will barely benefit me, but will help a competitor (and all my peers/customers/friends who deal with this competitor) avoid a potentially bad situation.

Why did I do it?  Well, mostly for the peers/customers/friends, whom I like and respect very much. Many of them have helped me in the past.  And maybe, too, I did it ’cause I still believe that baby steps change the world.  Reaching out and helping someone—even someone traditionally considered “the enemy”—can be empowering.  I feel good.  Nothing like a bit of altruism to get my brain neurons all worked up in that “warm and fuzzy” sort of way.  I sometimes contemplate what the world would be like if everyone acted selflessly.  Or at least, a bit more so.

One of the bead stores where I teach has a document displayed in the employee area, encouraging workers to go out and smile and make someone’s day.  Such good advice.  On this dreary, snowy day in March, I humbly ask you to do the same.  Make someone grin today, or help a person you wouldn’t normally help.  I’m not a blind idealist. I know that some recipients won’t appreciate your gesture.  But I hope you’ll try again.  Because most people DO like it when others make them feel good, and perhaps, they in turn will make someone else’s day.  Small flaps of a butterfly’s wings, rippling around the world.

Oh, and P.S.  Don’t ask me via email for more details about my good deed, ’cause I won’t tell (and I’ll think less of you for asking, since I specifically said not to.) So don’t do it.  Just get out there and do your own good deed. :-)

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2 Comments on "Making the world better one good deed at a time"

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14 years 10 months ago

Good for you, not only for doing the good deed but for telling us about it without the details.
Doing an random act of kindness “RAK” goes a long way.
If your competetor knows of your good deed, you may start a trend. Good deeds always have a high return!

Nancy Z. Leck
14 years 10 months ago

Good for you !! I too believe in baby steps ! And I really believe people like to deal with a business that is honest and reputable even if it costs them more!